Chapter 33

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“Hello, Sanae. So you are an assassin, right?” namjoon asks my mate and I feel this great urge searing through my veins to punch him hard on his face. I am trying my hard to not to make Sanae feel like an alien here but some people are hell bent to make it difficult for me.

Sanae senses my distress and she rubs her thumb on the back of my hand and gently squeezes it, the same way I did. Recently I have noticed a big change in Sanae’s behavior. Previously she was cold towards me but now she seems to be starting to warm up to me and I can’t help but mention that I am happy. I have noticed that she has been trying to talk to me when I returned home but I didn’t give into it because I know that she will talk about last night. But last night was nothing memorable for me and it’s the last topic that I want to talk about right now.

“Yes. I am an assassin.” Sanae says and I watch Namjoon carefully. Namjoon is the top warrior in the pack and he likes to brag and show off his status a lot. When he came to know about Sanae’s vocation he was pretty much interested in having a firsthand experience with her. If we were in other situations then I would have encouraged Sanae myself to kick his balls.

“I am the head warrior of this pack.” He says, the tone of his voice hinting power and authority. I see Sanae nod at him.

“And I was wondering maybe you could show me your skills whenever you are free.” He adds and I let out a growl. Sanae squeezes my hand once more.

“Oh Sure. Why not!” Sanae says cheerfully before I could say something. I know that Namjoon is no match for her because while Namjoon was taught, Sanae was made to kill. There’s a hell lot of difference between them and I can’t help but feel proud of my mate. She is strong for she-wolf. She is different. She is unique.

“Oh, that’s great! I am already looking forward to it.” Namjoon says with a sly smile decorating his face. Right now all I want to do is decorate his face with some bruises and maybe some burns.

“By the way-”

“We will talk later, Namjoon.” I say and dismiss him.

“I like imagining him dead.” Sanae declares as I guide her to the middle of the room where I spot Jin. I smile at her suggestion. I can’t agree more with her.

“Me too.”

“Alpha jin.” I greet the Alpha and he greets me back.

“Where is Luna?” I ask.

“She is on her way.” He answers, his eyes fixed at the entrance waiting for his mate to appear.

“I guess, we have to wait.”

“Yes.” He says and moves away to talk to some other pack members. I look around to find people sneaking glances at my mate or pointing towards her and whispering to each other while eyeing her. Some are even glaring at her. I observe Sanae who is trying to act oblivious to all the stares and dirty looks she is getting. But I can see her fidgeting. All this time I been holding her hand and I feel her palms go sweatier. Even though she is nervous, she is not showing it much.

“It will alright.” I assure her and she nods lightly.

“I...I have never been to any public gathering like this. I mean, I have been to places like this but it was to... kill, not to mingle with people.” She says, her voice shaking slightly.

“Let’s go and have a seat.” I said pointing towards the corner of the room where seats were arranged. She nods and I take her there, both of us avoiding the looks we were getting.

When we reach there, I see jungkook sitting there, staring at a distance. He seems odd today. I remember he was acting really odd in my office this evening as well. I wonder what’s wrong with him. I guess he got into a fight with Sanae or something. Sanae and jungkook surprise me sometimes because they act like siblings and not to mention that it’s pretty interesting to watch them fight. It fascinates me on how they could fight over a silly and totally insignificant thing. But the seriousness on his face tells that it’s something... serious.

Usually, on the occasions like this, he is hanging around with people not sitting here alone. He is a social butterfly.

“What’s wrong jungkook?” Sanae asks freeing her hand from mine and taking a seat beside him. I take a seat beside Sanae.

“I don’t know.” He says gruffly. His shoulders are slagging down and there is a frown on his face. His hair looks messed up as if he has been running his hand through it multiple times. His eyes look tired. I have never seen him act like this.

“What do you mean by you don’t know?” Sanae asks him again. He scowls at her and rubs his face violently. He looks as if he just crawled out of bed and I won’t be surprised if he really did but I know that he didn’t because an hour ago he was in my office.

“Are you on period?” Sanae asks and I let out a laugh. Jungkook groans at her as she joins me laughing.

“Haha funny!” He exclaims.

“You are acting like a girl on her period. Until,... uh... you have something to tell us.” Sanae suggests and I laugh even more. jungkook glares at her and by their exchange. They act like real siblings.

“Sanae, please leave m-”

“Your ass alone?” She cuts him.

“Sanae, don’t get on my-”

“Ass or balls? Which one is it this time?” She asks and I almost peed in my pants laughing at them. jungkook growls and I laugh even harder.

“Leave me alone!” jungkook exclaims, his voice a little higher this time.

“Jungkook?” Sanae calls out for him but he growls at her this time and storms out of the room.

“I think he is mad because you got his ass beaten by the Fire Lady.” I suggest looking the way Jungkook  just went away.

“He is not mad.” Sanae says looking the same way. “He is troubled.”

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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