Chapter 41

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The whole room burned but those two stood there looking at each other or rather facing each other’s dark side. The side which they weren’t quite familiar with themselves.

It was Sanae’s past and Tae’s present which troubled the individuals respectively. Both troubled, unsure of the future, unsure about themselves.

As Sanae stared at her burning mate, something stirred within her and suddenly, all her fears washed away. It felt like they never existed. Tae’s wolf was at surface, tired of being suppressed and ignored by him and his mate respectively. He wanted to make her theirs, to claim her, mark her. He wanted her to never leave them but she was always hellbent on leaving. But this time she crossed an invisible line and this let him out.

The flames around the room got higher, kissing the ceiling. The concrete walls turned black and all the wooden articles reduced to ashes. Both were so occupied with each other that they didn’t notice how the fire was eating away the room.

Sanae took a step towards her mate, despite the fire oozing off him. She couldn’t keep herself from going near him. She felt attracted to him, like a moth to a fire. Tae watched her carefully, his eyes burning with heat, lust and want for the she wolf in front of him.

From the beginning he did everything he could to make her feel loved, he did everything for her but why was she always stubborn about leaving him? He wanted to get close to her but she always continued to built her walls higher.

He tried to climb them, break them, he tried everything to get through them but they got higher and higher with every effort he put to go beyond them. But right now he is determined to burn them away and get to her, make her his.

She took one more step towards him, swallowing the distance between them. Step after step till her walls burned down which caged her, hid her from him. Standing close to him, staring at him, ignorant of his flames caressing her skin. She couldn’t move here eyes away from him and neither could he. The hell he had within himself was now out, before her. The hell that begged for her presence, begged for her love, begged for her. Now it was done begging. This was the time to take, take what was his. Her.

He took her in his arms, his flames kissing her skin but not burning it as if they knew her. This time she let him have her, she didn’t protest. She was tired of pushing him away, tired of running away, tired. She was tired of everything. She welcomed his touch, welcomed the desire and pleasure that came with it. Even though she was hurt and her heart was still recovering but she let him because she knew he was different than him. Somehow, somewhere she knew it.

Suddenly, they were on his bed, him on top of her. His whole body caging hers. The heat in his eyes now intense than the fire around them. Along with the room, they were on fire. The fire in the room burning it away and the fire in them burning the distance between them away. She shivered under his heated gaze and felt desire wrap her body thinking about the closeness between them. He felt nothing different.

His eyes darkened, seeing her under him, the place he always wanted her. He felt strong desire clouding him. Sanae bought her hands to his neck, pulling his head down and capturing his lips with hers. He responded right away. Their tongues meeting and greeting each other with gentle strokes first. Their lips moving together, her hands clutching his hair and pulling him closer as if she can’t get enough of him. His hands exploring her body, wondering places where he always dreamed of, tracing her curves, exploring and burning both of their skin with pleasure and desire. Those wave of sparks have now transformed into fire. They were on fire. He started sucking her bottom lip, craving more for her taste. Sanae let out a moan when he tugged at her lower lip. This time both of them getting to taste each other properly unlike last time when all they could taste was her blood.

Sanae’s hands left his hair and made their way to his bare chest, roaming all over it as if they were lost. She always wondered how it would feel to do so and now, when she was already doing it, she felt amazing. She felt her stomach tighten when she felt taehyung ground himself on her lower region. The room grew hotter and hotter.

Their kiss grew more rough when taehyung smelled her arousal and Sanae felt something poking her thigh.

Were they ready for this? Not sure but they were sure enough that they wanted each other really bad. Tae’s lips left Sanae’s as he declared “I am going to mark you now.”

His eyes were darker now. He was going to do what he always wanted to do. Finally, he was going to mark her. She nodded, her eyes getting dark too. Both were excited about what was going to happen, the bond they were going to have. Their wolves howling in anticipation.

His lips slowly traveled to her neck from her lips leaving a trail of small kisses behind, burning her skin more with pleasure and desire. He couldn’t believe that he was actually going to mark her. Some days ago he was doubting if he even had a mate and right now he has found her and was going to make her his. What could be more exciting for him?

Finally, he reached her neck, the place were he will be sinking in his canines that will anchor her to him. Sanae shuddered under him as she felt his canines coming out and grazing her skin. She could fell her canines coming out too for the same purpose.

First, Taehyung licked that particular place on her neck where moments later his mark will be sitting, declaring her as his. Then slowly, he bought his canines to her skin, his breath fanning her neck.

Finally, his canines sank into her skin which made her moan loudly with pain and pleasure. It was wonderful for both of them. Shortly after, Taehyung felt the same pain on his neck and knew that Sanae’s canines were deep down under his skin.

Suddenly both of them felt the connectivity, the completeness that they were lacking. Their wolves could completely feel each other. Soon, both of them fell unconscious but soon to wake up later to find something new between them.

Thank you for reading. Have  a nice day /night  💜 :)

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