Chapter 21

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“Let’s go.” I say even though she is already climbing down the stairs. I follow her to the door and we step out in the chilling dark night.

Sanae maintained distance between us as we made our way to the hospital. She led the way and I followed her like a lost puppy, not that I am complaining. I observe her every move as I follow her. In the moonlight she looks beautiful. I love how her hair reaches her waist and how it curls at the ends. I love how it brushes the small of her back lightly. I love how her hips sway when she walks. I love watching her, taking note of the smallest details. I know that I am a creep but hey! This is my mate we are talking about and I have the right to watch her or do whatever with her because she is mine.

The night is dark and the moon is clearly visible in the dark abyss of sky. I look at the moon and I feel blessed, blessed to have her as my mate. She is perfect and what I love is that she is only mine. I love how we met. The moment wasn’t perfect but it is memorable. I loathe myself for even considering rejecting her. The pain of rejection is the strongest and sometimes it can be deadly and I can’t believe that I went to that extend to give her that unbearable pain. She does not deserve the pain of rejection. She is special, made by the moon goddess only for me and I will shower her with everything.

“Sanae, are you a white wolf?” I find myself asking this question. I didn’t even realize that I was speaking until she stopped on her tracks.

“Yes.” She answers and I see her shoulders fall.

“So you mean you can-”

“No. I am not that special white wolf whose blood can heal anyone. I am white by color only. It’s a kind of mutation that happened when they were messing with my genes.”

“Oh.” That was all that I managed to say.

“How did you know about my wolf?” She asks, there’s edginess to her voice.

“Minjoon told me.”

“That kid.” She shakes her head and resumes walking. I resume following her. As we near the hospital Leo becomes more excited the same way when Minjoon was born. I can’t wait to see the baby.

When we reach the hospital, a nurse guide us to the room where Luna has been put. As we walk through the corridors I prayed it to be a girl. There hasn’t been a girl in the Alpha’s family for a long time and neither in our family and neither in Jungkook’s family. Some think that the moon goddess has cursed our families so that no girl will be born. I remember my grandma telling me about it.

“It’s a girl.” Sanae mutters.

“What?” I ask, taken back for a moment.

“It’s a girl.” She repeats.

“How did you know?” I ask.

“Eunae told me.” She says and I realize that the nurse who has been leading us has stopped in front of a door. I feel my lips curling into a smile.

When the nurse opens the door I hear a baby’s cry. As I enter I see Jin holding the new born and minjoon is jumping in the hopes of seeing the new born. I go straight to jin who is struggling to stop the baby from crying.

“May I try?” I ask. He smiles and hands the new born to me.

“Get ready to clean dippers for my baby.” He says, teasing me. I smile and look at the baby who has stopped crying now. She has the eyes of Luna and those eyes are looking at me with curiosity.

“I am your samcheon.” I say and I see her lips twitch awkwardly but soon they form a smile.

“She likes Taehyung already.” Luna declares and it was when I remember that she is also in the room. She is lying on the bed and Sanae is sitting beside her, both eyeing an excited minjoon at the foot of the bed.

“I want to see her too.” Minjoon demands. He looks more excited than a child on Christmas. All the adults in the room chuckle and I sit on the chair beside the bed with the new born in my arms. Minjoon come to my side and looks at the new born curiously and vice versa.

“Minjoon, where have you been all day?” I ask, remembering his absence all day. He didn’t come to visit me nor was he present with us for the dinner.

“Oh don’t ask. He is grounded for a week.” Jin says and I see Minjoon gulp. I chuckle at his response.

“Why? What did he do this time?” I ask seeing Minjoon blush the same color as that Night Gown.

“Man you should see our house. He tried to go Picasso and ended up doing cave paintings all over the walls.” I laugh and see Minjoon who is trying to seem oblivious to the situation by observing the new born.

“I will have to paint the whole house again.”

“No don’t. We should keep them. Minjoon’ mate will love to see his paintings.” Luna suggests and everyone in the room roared with laughter. Minjoon blushed even more and for a moment I felt as if it is jungkook at the place of Minjoon. I look down at the new born and find her listening to our conversation intently as if she can understand us.

“What will you name her?” I ask.



The alpha and Luna say in unison. I see jin raise an eyebrow at eunae and Eunae shooting daggers at her mate. This means war. I remember how they fought while naming Minjoon. It was me who suggested the name Minjoon and they settled with it.

“jihee seems nice.” Sanae speaks for the first time. I look at her and our eyes meet but soon she looks away. She is still mad.

Maybe one more round of a make out session will nullify it.


Who knows?


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