Chapter 48

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She took a deep breath and smiled to herself. She felt her warriors tense behind her but she felt Calliope howl in excitement.

It was going to be the most interesting day of her vocation.

" yes"

" jimin "

" yes "

" yoongi "

" yes"

" Ready for the bloodbath!"

"more than ever"

The humanoid which was moments ago attached to the table with straps let out a thundering growl before nearing Sanae, who had a devilish smile decorating her face. Gone was her uncertain side, the killer in her was out now. The part of her which starved for the sight of blood was on release.

She unbuckled the toxic whip from her belt and lashed it freely in the air, welcoming the creature. The creature stopped in his way and examined Sanae and her group. By the time the door at the far end of the room was fully open and similar creatures started stepping out, growling at the sight in front of them.

“Let’s have some fun.” She said as the creature in front of her leaped towards her. She leaped towards it and lashed her whip hard on the creature which instantly burned his skin. The humanoid let out a loud screech and bared his big canines at Sanae. Sanae took this moment and stroked once more, making sure to touch the place around its heart. The whip burned away the creature’s skin as soon as it made contact with it.

The whip was coated with one of her deadly toxins which would melt one’s brain if consumed. The creature shrieked in pain as it fell on the ground clutching its chest. The other humanoids broke into a run towards them and Sanae’s team did the same. They took out their weapons and started striking the vicious creatures. There were far too many of them in the room hence one person has to deal with two to three humanoids at a time. Sanae was slaying everything which came in her way. She was on her killer mode and for the moment nothing in the surrounding mattered to her as she dealt with three at the time, injuring them with her whip. She didn’t break a sweat as she dealt with the humanoids. The whole room was in chaos as the red siren continued to beep and was bathed in red light as well as in red blood. The place was filled with growling and groaning sounds of the creatures along with the warriors and the whipping sound of Sanae’s whip rippled through the room like a constant rhythm.

Slowly the floor was decorated with blood and dead bodies of both the creatures and some of the warriors who didn’t survive the bloodbath. The ratio of warriors fighting the humanoids thinned down to one is to one. While Sanae delivered the last lash to the creature in front of her, sending him to the floor with a searing pain, she examined her surrounding for the first time. There were people still fighting the humanoids. She looked around and examined the bodies which have been mauled by the humanoids. It was a total bloodbath. She noticed Yoongi struggling with a humanoid while having one of his shoulders bent at an odd angle. She went to his aid instantly and dealt with the humanoid the same way she did with others of his kind.

Soon, all the humanoids were dead and also some of the warriors from Sanae’s group but she didn’t have time to grieve for them. It was last of her worries. She was too familiar with death and seeing it surround her at the moment didn’t affect her much. It was an old friend of hers whom she met after a long time.

She looked around to find a way out of the place. The whole place was covered with blood and the red sirens were still blaring and the red lights were still glowing, making the place redder than it was from blood. She has to find a way out of the place as soon as possible. She wanted to see how Taehyung was doing. She wanted to be with him.

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