Chapter 9

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"You'll shit bauxite once you see it." I say to jun who is leading the warriors to the Red Moon pack and I happen to be the second in his lead. We are on pack business and here, by business I mean killing. The main objective of this mission aka business is to get hoseok back from that pack. He is one of our spies, most important one I should add and somehow he managed to get in their hands. I am wishing that he is not dead. It will be a great loss to me because he is my best friend.

"You can't be that serious." He says eyeing me. I shake my head. This is a bad decision. Red Moon Pack is one of the most powerful packs in the world and we are going to commit this mistake of attacking them. Again. Yes again, it's not the first time. We have fought wars with each other in the past and we lost all the time. That was while our previous Alpha was in power. Alpha junghyun. To me he was nothing but evil, all he gave me was hell but when his son also know as Alpha minho took over the Alpha position, things escalated to a new level. He created his very own definition of hell. Junghyun seems good compared to his son.

But I think this time we might have a chance. Their Alpha is not in the pack and there can't be more appropriate opportunity than this. But the thing about opportunities is that they must be used effectively to earn good results but it's not possible right now. Not when a shit head is leading us whose name happens to be jun.

"Yes I am serious. That day while I was there with hoseok, I saw ashes and believe me jun, they were remains of wolves." jun nods but doesn't say anything in response. He turns around and checks the warriors marching behind us.

"Okay, enough with the rumors and lets start planning."

"These are not rumour-"

"Enough is enough." He cuts me, his voice heavy and commanding. I grind my teeth in anger and frustration. Why can't he believe my words? No one gives importance to my words. They better not blame me later because I have already warned them.

"We will divide the warriors in half. I will take the first half with me to get hoseok and you will take the other half and get that kid. Is that understood?" He commands.

"Kid? What kid? I thought we were going to kill the border petrol, get in, take hoseok and get back." I ask in confusion. It must be one of his last minute plans because jun is one of those people who love to make changes in the eleventh hour. I hate such people. But it kills the most when he is a high rank warrior and I happen to be just below him. I have to listen to his every damn command. Damn, I soo need a promotion. I have had enough of this son of a bitch. He smirks at me. His eyes have a mischievous glint in them. He is really twisted.

"Tusk tusk Sanae, use your brain! I am going to kill two birds with the same stone." He says, his smirk extending into an evil grin. It doesn't take much time for the realization to dawn upon me. He is taking about the Alpha's kid.


I met him yesterday and saved him from a rouge. He is just a kid, I mean he must be hardly three and jun is already planing to kill him? This is twisted... really twisted and ... evil. I can already imagine him laughing his evil laugh.

"Alpha's kid?" I ask knowing the answer already. He nods and scratches his chin. He is really twisted.

"And I know that you know him, don't you?" He raises an eyebrow at me. I feel the heart in my chest stop. How did he know that I met him? He smirks seeing the shock decorating my face. And it doesn't take me too long to also realize that what he wants me to do.

He want me to kill Minjoon.

Fuck me.

"How did you know that?" I ask, my heart thumping in my chest and my breath coming short. Even though we have been walking for hours now, I am sure this is not because of walking. I can't help but picture that toddler. It won't be easy and I really don't want to do that but I guess I have to. He winks at me and pats my shoulder.

"I know everything."


"Minjoon." I whisper, the toddler looks up from his mud castle. I was surprised that he was playing alone in the backyard of their Alpha's house. His face lights up with an innocent smile as his yes fall on me. I can't help but smile back. He is really innocent, I don't know how I will kill him. He gets up and comes to me.

"Sanae." He says, his voice cheerful. Oh Minjoon, you don't know what is going to happen to you.

"Minjoon." I greet him as he nears me, his hands extended in the air. He wants me to take him in my arms and I grant his wish. Wow, this was easy! He came easily to me. I thought that I might have to lure him but it was too damn easy. I think it's because of my wolf Calliope. Because of her people feel safe around me... well that is my theory. I never understood Calliope because she is different than other wolves. She is a white wolf.

'Don't kill him. He will be hurt.'She mutters and goes silent.

'What?' I try to reach her but she blocks me. Calliope is really moody. I internally sigh at her. She is odd but lately she have been driving me crazy. Something is wrong with her. I huff out loud. Moon goddess help her.

I realize that I had zoomed out. I snap out of my daze and find Minjoon staring at me with puppy eyes. I smile at him. He is a bunch of cuteness. How will I kill him? Should I choke him to death? Nah, it won't be that nice. It will be too painful for this smol lil bean. I think I should give him some night locks. Hmm... that will be easy. He will be dead in seconds. It will be a swift dead. nice and easy. I pick him up and start walking the way I came here.

I smirk as I remember how easy it was for me to ditch the border petrol. I masked my scent and walked in. Hah... easy peasy, just like a walk in the park. I left my warriors outside because someone might have noticed the commotion caused by them if they came in with me.

"Where are we going?" The toddler in my arms asks. I look down at him. His eyes drinking in my features. His eyes are blue like the sea. Sea of innocence. I feel a heaviness in my chest.

How the fuck am I going to do this?

It's not like that I haven't killed before, in fact I have killed many. I am a master at killing and why won't be I? After all I have been doing this for a long time. I am a warrior slash part time assassin in the Night Walkers pack. I kill for my living. I am a cold blooded killer. My record goes up to killing five hundred wolves in one day. Sounds crazy? I know but I think I could have done much better.

But right now, looking at this toddler I think I might have a hard time killing this time. He is really cute. Gosh, I hate my job sometimes.

"We are going into the woods. You like it there, don't you?" He nods, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Poor boy.


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