Chapter 38

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“I am Minji.”

“Why are you here?” Tae asks, his voice cold and dominating.

“SANAE!” I hear hoseok shout my name and he bursts into the room. I try to smile when I see him.

“I know the antidote of Alqueza. I can save her.” I hear Minji say who is still standing at the entrance of the bedroom. Tae lets out a thundering growl when hoseok tries to come near him.

“I am alright hoseok. minji  is here, she will save me.” I say, my throat growing soar every moment. I see hoseok nod in panic as he sits down on a chair beside the bed.

“Get out of my house!” Tae growls at him.

“NO! I am not leaving her like that!” He growls back at him. I sigh.

“Excuse me, if you are done then please tell me where I can get Bezore.” Minji says crossing her arms on her chest.

“What?” tae and hoseok say in unison. Suddenly, I feel a new wave of pain hit me but it is more intense and I end up vomiting a good amount of blood. My head starts feeling dizzier.

“HURRY!” Tae shouts.

“You will find the chemicals in the hospital.” I manage to say. Minji nods and disappears within seconds.

“Why didn’t you let me take you to the hospital?” Tae asks. I shake my head at him. Hospitals are not my favorite place to be. I have some bad memories related to hospitals and I knew that things will get worse if I go there so I insisted tae to bring me home because I feel safe here.

“She does not like Hospitals. They make her-”

“I am not talking to you!” Tae growls at hoseok. I stroke tae’s arm to calm him down.

“Hold on Sanae. She is coming.” Tae says assuring me. I see a load of emotions in his eyes but I can only make out fear, concern, and anger. It hurts me to see him like this. There’s this certain type of sadness in them that I have never seen before. Whenever I cough more blood, his grip becomes tighter around me as if he is afraid that I will leave him. I am afraid that I have to leave him, sooner or after... but I will always come back no matter what. His eyes are red and he has grown pale as paper.

I feel a new wave of pain hit me and I know that it is getting worst but I suppress a cough that was building in my throat. I don’t want to see him panic. I don’t want to see him sad and hurt like this. It makes me sad to see him like this.

As he held me tight in his arms, I take this moment to stare back at his perfectly sculpted face, his brown eyes which are wet with tears. It reminds me of the earth after rain. They are so beautiful, they can tell stories. I have never seen something like this before. His nose straight and perfect. My eyes travel down to his lips which are bloody now. They seem so perfect as if the Moon goddess has carved them out herself. He looks so perfect, so beautiful but sad. I breathe in his wonderful, intoxicating scent which calms and excites me. His midnight black hair tempts me to run my hands through them.

I don’t know why but I feel happy in his arms, being held like this. He is holding me as if I am the most precious thing to him in this world. I have never been held like this, never been touched the way he touches me, never been kissed the way he kisses me. Never been loved they he loves me.


Do I love him?

It’s hard not to.

“Yes, Minji is coming. Just hold on.” Hoseok says and Tae grows at him. He is not letting hoseok come near me and his expression gives away that hoseok is the last person he wants in this room.

“Get out of my house!” Tae commands, his voice threatening. He is just on the edge.

“Tae, let him stay.” I say, gently stroking his arm which brings his attention to me. He looks down at me, his eyes sweeping all over my face, the heat in his eyes giving me feelings that I have never felt before, never with my previous mate.

“Tae is she okay?” I hear Eunae ask with concern as she enters the room. Jin is just behind her, his expression passive. Eunae comes near me and I see tears in her eyes. She lets out a little sob when she sits beside Tae and looks at me, more tears streaming down her face. She cares for me way too much.

“I am okay, Eunae.” I manage to say with my sore throat, suppressing one more cough.

“No, you are not!” Tae growls and Eunae starts crying even more. jin sits beside her and comforts Eunae who is crying in his chest.

“She will be alright.” Jin tries to sooth his mate but she sobs harder.

“What will happen of Tae if she dies? She must not die, Jin.” Eunae says sobbing in Jin’s chest and I feel my heart squeeze painfully and an intense wave of pain hits me, making me vomit even more blood. I feel my eyes sting with tears at her words.

I am so selfish, I never thought of Tae What will happen of Tae if I die? Will he die too? Or will he get a second mate? The thought of him being with someone else makes me jealous all of a sudden.

“Nothing will happen to her. She will live.” Minji says entering the room, holding a cup in her hand. She comes near me and holds the cup out for me. Tae frees one of his hands and uses it to take the cup from her hand and brings it to my lips. I hold the cup with my hands and drink the reddish liquid in it.

The liquid burns my throat and it is sour to taste. I gulp hard, my throat aching in the effort. As soon as the liquid goes down my throat, I feel my stomach churn and my whole body starts burning as if I am in heat. It’s very painful as if the insides of me are burning.

“Why is she acting like that?” Tae growls at Minji. I clutch Tae’s hands, almost digging my nails into his skin due to the unbearable pain.

“It’s sucking the poison out of her blood. Soon she will vomit the contaminated blood. She will be alright.” I hear minji explain as I shut my eyes and twitch in pain. I feel Tae’s hands snaking around me, trying to comfort me. He is saying things that I can’t quite comprehend. My ears are ringing and the whole room is spinning in front of my eyes. I feel my dress getting wet with my sweat.

The churning in my stomach grows stronger and suddenly, I vomit a lot of blood.

“There she goes.” I hear Minji say. I can’t control myself as I feel the blood coming out of my mouth. I am feeling dizzier. My head hurts really badly.

Finally, it stops and everything in the room starts to get clearer. I can hear and see clearly now but I feel very dizzy.

“Mine.” I hear someone growl and I see everyone’s attention in the room shift to Jungkook standing in the door way from me. I see a shirtless Jungkook, his body totally covered in sweat as if he has been out for a run and his eyes fixed on...


Thank you for reading. Have a good day/night night  💜:)

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