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“Stop stuffing your face with cookies, Minjoon!” Taehyung exclaimed at the teenager sitting on the kitchen island as he loaded the second batch of cookies in the oven to bake.

“And jihoon stop eating the cookie mixture!” tae shouted at the other teenager  sitting on the kitchen island eating the cookie mix.

Jungkook used to steal food from my kitchen and now his son is eating the cookie mix when he thinks I am not looking. Like father like son, Taehyung thought.

“But I was not!” The teenager named Jihoon protested back unknown of the fact that his face had more cookie mix on it than in any other cookies. Emery smacked him on the head which made jihee laugh out loud who has been watching her brother and friends help (torment) Taehyung for the past hour.

Jihoon growled at Emery and Emery glared at him in return. Their exchange was enough to tell that they would be fighting later. Minjoon smirked at the duo ready to see them fight like cat and dog and they eventually did. Jihoon threw the dirty spoon on Emery which landed on her lap, coating her dress with the cookie mix, this made her growl out loud. She jumped from the island seat and stormed towards Jihoon who was now running out of the kitchen. Emery chased him out of the kitchen.

Emery looked like the miniature version of Sanae whereas jihoon looked like the miniature version of jungkook and their behavior was nothing different from them. Jihee cheered for Emery while Minjoon chocked on his cookies while trying to cheer for Emery as well.

Taehyung shook his head and smiled at the teenagers. Even though Emery was his only daughter but he loved them all as his own kids. Thinking about his kids bought his thoughts to his mate Sanae whom he hasn’t seen the whole morning. He was getting worried about her whereabouts.

She always told him wherever she was going while leaving the house but today she didn’t. He decided to go find her after he was done with the cookies. A beeping sound bought him out of his thoughts and he looked at the oven knowing that his cookies were ready to be taken out.

As he took the cookies out of the oven he heard the front door of his house open and shut.

“Emery, get off jihoon .” Taehyung heard Sanae speak in the living room. He rushed to the living room to find his mate seeing the duo fighting. Even though she told Emery to get off jihoon but Sanae’s expression gave away that she was interested in seeing them fight. She trained Emery to fight from a young age and right now it intrigued Sanae to see her daughter use some of her skills on poor jihoon who was groaning in pain.

Emery always wondered how her mother learned to fight and once she even made an attempt to know about her mother from Taehyung but he brushed off her question by saying that she was a warrior when, in fact, Sanae was an assassin. This was a piece of information that both Taehyung and Sanae decided to hide when they were blessed with Emery. There were many other things that Sanae decided not to tell their daughter because she didn’t want her daughter to become what she once was- an assassin, a killer. She wanted her daughter to be like an ordinary she-wolf but knowing that she would take on the Beta position after Taehyung, she raised her to breathe fire. She raised her to be ordinarily unordinary. She taught her how to fight like a warrior while Taehyung trained her to be the future Beta. Emery would be the first female Beta in the history of Red Moon pack and everyone was proud of that fact but not as much proud as the Fire Lady.

Motherhood was something totally different and was a foreign field for Sanae. Well, it is the same for all the first time mothers but in the case of Sanae, it was too foreign to her. When Sanae had Emery, she was nervous to mother her because she has never been mothered but Taehyung helped her with the situation. Taehyung’s happiness went to the moon and back when Emery came into their life.

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