Chapter 36

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I find myself leaping on Taehyung and tearing him off hoseok. Tae tries to wiggle out of my hold which angers me even more and I throw him off the stage. After that, I fight back this strong urge to go and claw at him. My dangerous side is on the surface, the side that is meant to hurt others only and suddenly, I feel too exposed. I feel like a beast in daylight. A dangerous beast lurking in the dark whose existence was always a doubt for me. I hear everyone gasp around me and I growl in response.

I feel Calliope going cold, all the emotions draining out from my body. Everything seems cold all of a sudden, the beast in me pushing me at the back while it takes control. I am afraid of the beast, afraid of this side of me, afraid of me.

"Sanae." Hoseok whispers, who is lying near my feet. My vision is reddened and senses sharpened. I can hear everybody's heart pounding in their respective chests. I look down at myself and find my whole body is covered with white fur under the dress. I am standing on my two. At first, I am confused because I haven't been in this state before. It's like I am halfway stuck while phasing. I am somewhere between the transition. I let out a growl which sounds animalistic.

I look at hoseok who has fear in his eyes and he is slowly backing away from me. I look for Tae, who is slowly getting up. As I near him something hits me from the back and I fall off the stage. I groan in pain from whatever it is as I try to get up. My hand reaches my back and pulls out a dart. It's a dart I have seen before and I know too well what it is for. I let out a thundering growl and realize that my body is slowly changing. The white fur is gone and my human skin is back again. I get up and suddenly, hear someone laugh.

My head turns in the direction of the laughter and I find jun laughing with a gun in his hand which I suppose he used to aim the dart on me. He is laughing menacingly. The sight of him is bringing the same rage in my body but this time the intensity is not the same as before.

"I will kill you, Jun!" I say out loud and he laughs even harder. I growl but he doesn't stop.

"What makes you think that, Sanae?" He asks, his voice mocking. "Look at yourself. You are nothing, a waste, I should say and you know that you are no match for me."

"Try me. I am not as soft as you think." I growl as I step near him, the rage still in me but this time I can't feel my canines and claws coming out on my will. I think it must be because of his dart. I try to talk to Calliope but she seems to have disappeared all of a sudden from inside me. jun notices my confusion and starts laughing again.

"What did you do to me?" I ask my voice barely a whisper. I try again but fail and let out a frustrated growl.

"It's Alqueza. One of your poisons. First, it will take down your wolf then slowly, it will eat you away. I should say that you are really good with poison. By the way, how are liking the taste of your own poison?" He asks grinning and the realization dawn upon me when I feel a pinching feeling in my chest as if something is eating me from inside. I hear Tae growl behind me but I ignore him and try to concentrate on jun. I won't let him get away like this.


"YOU ARE A TRAITOR!" Suddenly, jun shouts, his finger pointing at me. His face and tone filled with pure loathing. I flinch when I feel a new wave of pain hit me, clutching my chest.

"You returned the kid when you found him. You could have killed him and then you are living with these people. What are you trying to pretend,Sanae? Huh? You can't make me fool. I know everything!" He roars. I smile at his words which seem to have angered him more.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You are so stupid, jun." I said clutching my chest. Suddenly, I vomit blood. taehyung and hoSeok, both come rushing to me. Tae growls at hoseok and pushes him away. I push tae away when he tries to touch me. I need to concentrate. I can't die like this, not when I haven't killed jun already. But tae still comes to me and tries to hold me.

"Ah, I see you have made friends too, or is it something more than friendship?" jun asks and I smirk at his words knowing that my actions are getting on his nerves. I let tae hold me and I give into tae's touch, waves of sparks and energy shooting and running through my body wherever our skin makes contact. It's the first time that I am enjoying his touch and feeling grateful for them. I see a swirl of emotions in jun's eyes and I smirk even more when I identify jealousy as one of those emotions.

"He is my mate." I say out loud grinning like a five-year-old on Christmas and I know it will get to the last nerve in his body. At this jun lets out a loud growl and I see his eyes darken. He throws the gun aside and leaps towards us. Tae senses him and he pushes me to his back, shielding me from his impact.

Suddenly, I feel very hot and see flames oozing out of tae's arms, burning the fabric of his shirt. I feel one more wave of pain and cough out more blood. Thank god that I haven't got to the feeling tipsy part yet. Tae's body is guarding me against the flams and I am clutching him tightly. I feel relief wash over me being this close to him. I peak over his shoulder and see jun engulfed in fire.

I see jun's whole body shake as the fire eats away his skin and reach for insides of his body. I feel one more wave of pain hit me and I cough out more blood. Tae notices this and soon I am in his arms and he is rushing out of the building. I let him do whatever he wants this time knowing that he is already mad because of my previous actions and I don't want to get madder at me.

"Where are you taking me?" I try to ask him. I can see that his eyes are still dark and his jaw is tightly set and his facial expression is grim.

"To the hospital."

"tae, I will be okay. Don't worry. I am hard to kill." I say in a sarcastic tone and he looks down at me as if I lost my mind and I told him that the sky is made of hedgehogs. I grin at him knowing that my mouth is covered with blood.

"sanae, please stop." He says, his voice filled with rage. I don't know why but I grin more at him. My hands reach out to hold his face which I bring slowly to my mouth and give him a peck on his lips. He pulls his head back and stares at me, shocked by my sudden actions. The small amount of my blood on his lips makes him looks as if he is wearing lipstick and this gets me laughing really hard.

"Sanae, what is so funny?" He growls but I continue with my laughter.

"SANAE!" I hear hoseok call out my name from a distance and tae growls at him.

"SANAE!" I hear him call out for me again but this time his voice is louder hinting that he is near us.

"Tae, take me to your house." I tell Tae placing my hand on his bare chest and suddenly I feel very heated up. My eyes roam all over his bare chest and I feel my cheeks heat up. He has an amazing body and right now he looks sexy without a shirt. It's the first time I am looking at his bare chest. I feel his eyes on me and I look up to find him staring down at me. I grin back innocently knowing that he just caught me checking him out. I see his lips twitch lightly in a smirk.

"SANAE!" hoseok calls out for me once more and I see him walking beside Tae, half panting.

"Are you okay?" He asks and tae growls at him.

"I will be if you call Minji."

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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