Chapter 18:

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As the clock in my head ticked louder and louder reminding me that I have less time for my escape than before, Eunae made me try more and more clothes. On the way to the trial room, I planned an escape but jungkook came and shitted over my whole plan. I have to haul his ass as soon as possible.

Right now Eunae is looking through some shirts for me and she’s got me a bunch of them already to try. I dump them on a counter and find the coast clear. I look around for jungkook but I don’t see him anywhere. I was about to dash for the door when he appears in front of me. His expression stern but something about it says that he is actually enjoying it.

I glare at him and throw a dress on him along with the hanger. He catches it and growls at me. He was about to lung towards me when Eunae  appears with another dozen of shirts for me to try.

“Jungkook! Why are you holding that nightgown!” She exclaims referring to the dress that I threw on him. The nightgown was all lacy and it has such a design that it will leave nothing to the imagination. He looks down at the dress and examines it.

“Don’t tell me that you are-”

“No I am not!” He says throwing the dress on the floor and glaring at it as if trying to burn holes through it.

“Jungkook first get someone to put into that dress then consider buying it.”Eunae suggests followed by Jungkook turning crimson red.

“I will buy you that dress.” I say making jungkook turn from crimson to maroon.


“Yes.” I say wiggling my eyebrows at him. I don’t feel like killing him. He reminds me a lot of my best friend.Hoseok. Thinking of him suddenly makes me feel sad. I never got to meet him after he got captured. I wish that he is doing fine.


When we reached home, Taehyung was already back from the meeting and he was in the kitchen cooking. In my kitchen I have more types of poison than spices. I wonder how his kitchen will be like. Does he store poison in his kitchen too? I wonder if I can get some ingredients from his kitchen to prepare my infamous Athexyl poison. I will mix it in his food and serve him. He will be dead in no time and I will bury him in the backyard. Sounds amazing but along with burying his dead body, I have to bury my feelings. Alive. I hope they die with him.

Alpha Jin was also in his house. He was sitting on the island in the kitchen and I wonder what he is actually doing here. When we entered he gave Eunae a warm smile but settled with a blank face for me. He is still mad at me.

“We are having dinner together.” Taehyung  announces from the kitchen.

“Can I join?” Jungkook asks like a five year old.

“The leftovers will do for you Jungkook.” Taehyung says and jin  lets out a small laugh. I wiggle my eyebrows at Jungkook and he glares at me. Gosh he is just like Hoseok!

“So what did you buy?” Jin asks while chopping some vegetables and putting them in the pot. I don’t remember him telling that we are going for shopping. I think Jungkook mind linked him. I flash my perfect pearl white teeth to jungkook.

“Eunae bought me some cloths.” Which is a waste since I will be leaving soon. Eunae starts laughing replaying what happened in the store.

“And Sanae bought Jungkook something. I think you should all see it.” She says laughing and Jungkook turns deep red. I laugh too.

“Oh really? What did you buy him?” taehyung asks laughing. He looks at me from the pot on the stove and I stop laughing. I look at jungkook who has turned a deeper shade of red by now but still he manages to glare at me. I bit back the strong urge to laugh again.

“Show them what I bought you.” I say pointing to the lone shopping bag in his hand.

“No it’s okay.” He says hugging the bag to his chest.

“Oh come on jungkook. Show it.” jin says, he looks amused.


“Come on jungkook”.


“Show it!” Jin shouts and jungkook whimpers. eunae has slipped into a laughing hysteria by now and I am having tears in my eyes by not laughing. jungkook nods and slowly takes out that red lacy night gown from the shopping bag and everyone in the room roared with laughter. We laughed pretty hard and by now no one can tell the difference between jungkook and that red night gown because both are the same shade of red.


“How old are you?” jin asks me as I dug into the steak on my plate. We are finally having dinner. Taehyung cooked steak and some vegetable soup which smells delicious. Jungkook is still red.

“22.” I say slicing the steak and putting it into my mouth. It is delicious. If the situations were different then I might have complimented taehyung on his cooking skills. I think jin came here to interrogate me. The air was charged with tension as soon as our laughter died and we settled for dinner. And it’s not helping when Taehyung is sitting beside me but I have taken my precaution by putting so much space between us that it could fit the whole korea in it. I don’t like the tingly sensation when our skin makes contact but Calliope enjoys it. Way too much. They are soo strong; it makes my mouth go dry and my heart feels like it’s going to escape the rib cage. It wasn’t this intense with my previous mate and I wonder why.

“So how long have you been an assassin?” He asks and Eunae stops midway putting that loaded spoon in her mouth.

“As long as I can remember.” I say shrugging and continue digging in that steak.

“So your parents were assassins too?” He asks and I notice that Eunae is feeling very uncomfortable with the questions. I don’t mind the questions though.

“I don’t have parents.” Everyone on the table freeze and suddenly there’s pin drop silence. Even the clattering of cutlery can’t be heard. 
Everyone has that sympathetic looks on their faces. I sigh.

“I was created in a lab. I don’t know my biologi-”

“Why don’t you tell us about your childhood?” Eunae cuts me. She is trying to make this less tense. But she did not realize that she just made this thing tense.

For me.


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