Chapter 26

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“No.” My mate answers and I know that my ass is going to be handed over to me in no time.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Jungkook. Everyone’s attention in the room is caught by his sudden arrival. Jungkook walks in with his nose high up in the air and his chest puffed out as if he owns this place. The Fire Lady is eyeing jungkook, whereas jungkook has no idea of her presence in the room. The Fire Lady lets out a growl which makes jungkook realize her presence. He freezes halfway and his eyes fall on her, terror surfaces in them. He looks transfixed by seeing her and I don’t blame him for this.


“Be quick, I have to visit the whole pack.” She says looking at her watch.

“Gran....Grandma!” Finally jungkook manages to say the word out loud. Satan is the second meaning of grandma for him because jungkook’s ass took most of the beating. Her staff knows jungkook’s ass the best. I can bet that jungkook still has red marks all over his ass.

“ ...were c-c-coming ...n--next week right?” He manages to ask and I hear the Fire Lady growl at him.

“I..I mean I mi--missed you!” He exclaims and I hear Sanae muffle a laugh. She is enjoying this more than she should.

“Aww me and Daisy missed you too jungkook.” She says. She likes to call her staff Daisy. The terror in jungkook’s eyes increases when his eyes travel down to the staff in her hands and I can bet that he is reminiscing about his good old days and all the special beatings that he received with that thing.

“When will you learn to knock  jungkook?” Sanae asks and I know that she did this to get jungkook into trouble but she doesn’t know which hell she is pushing him into.

“Um ... I.... I....I..” He starts stuttering.

“Yes, I noticed this. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO KNOCK!” She shouts and I see jungkook’s legs shake. She raises her staff and charges towards jungkook. Jungkook runs straight out of the door with the Fire Lady hot on his tail. sanae bursts out in laughter and I can’t help but laugh too.

It was the first time that I felt grateful to jungkook for not knocking the door. His ass might be on fire right now but mine is saved for the moment.

Sanae laughed pretty hard and later asked me about the old woman. I told her about the Fire Lady and her famous staff named Daisy and their adventures, how her staff knows everyone’s ass, how she raised us and other famous things about her. I can’t help but notice that it was the first time we had a proper conversation. I loved how she threw her head back and laughed when I told her about the incident when we hid her staff and the consequences. It made me happy that I was able to make her laugh.

The Fire Lady didn’t return till afternoon and jungkook was nowhere to be seen. I bet he must be in his house, trying to deal with the damage her staff caused his ass.

Poor jungkook.

The Fire lady came to my house for dinner and I did my preparations to avoid her staff coming anywhere near my lower back. I prepared her favorite dish as an attempt to keep her distracted from the ‘Why haven’t you marked her?’question.

“So what’s the name of your previous pack?” The Fire Lady asks my mate as she digs into her plate. She looks pretty much pleased with the dinner which is good because it took almost three hours to prepare it.

Normally I am graceful with my actions but thinking about the Fire Lady made me nervous and shaky and I ended up knocking the whole shelf of plates down. The kitchen was a mess and the loud sound bought sanae downstairs. She watched me prepare the dinner (mess) when I offered her to go to her room and read but she reasoned with me saying that I burned the book she was reading so... whatever. Her presence in the kitchen made me knock two more shelves of plates down and I burned the steak. She enjoyed watching me making a mess of the kitchen. I would have loved her watching me on a regular day but not today when my ass is metaphorically on fire.

“The Night Walker.” She answers and I see the Fire Lady stop cutting the steak. She looks up at Sanae and I feel the air grow thick with tension.

“Hmm so how did you meet my grandson?” She asks, leaving the cutlery on table and leaning back in her chair. She has a stern expression on her face.

“It was in an attack.” She answers. The Fire Lady eyes my mate from top to bottom and takes the cutlery in her hands again.

“What was your rank?”

“I am an assassin.” My mate answers and the Fire Lady’s mouth drops open. She tries to speak but nothing comes out. She shakes her head slightly and eats. I don’t know what is coming after this.

“So long have you been killing people? How many people have you killed? Why did you choose to be an assassin? Do you like killing people? Is this the reason why you are here? You want to kill this pack to?-”

“Grandma stop!” I try to stop her but she continues with her rambling.

“You are here to kill us, aren’t you? First you will kill the Alpha then you will kill the Beta, YOU WILL KILL MY GRANDSON!”

“NO!” Sanae screeches. I see the Fire Lady clutching the knife hard making the knuckles in her hand go white. I look at Sanae who is visibly shaking, her wolf almost at the surface. I never imagined that things will go this way. sanae gets up from the chair and runs upstairs.

I see the Fire Lady visibly shaking too, but with fear. It is the first time I see her scared.


“Yes.” I feel my voice shake.

“Do you trust her?” The Fire Lady asks with fear and concern decorating her face.

At this point ‘Why haven’t you marked her?’ sounds an easier question to me.

Hey guys!

thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful day :)

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