Chapter 27

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“Do you trust her?” The Fire Lady asks with fear and concern decorating her face.

“Yes.” The word rolls out of my mouth even before I could stop it. The Fire Lady looks surprised, she opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

“How? Did she do something to you-”

“Grandma, she is my mate!” I cut her. Her words angering Leo who won’t take a word against our mate.

“But she is our enemy! Her pack killed your parents! Don’t you remember?” She asks, hurt evident in her eyes. She lost her son to that pack and I know that her wounds haven’t healed up yet. Her eyes look glossy; she is at the verge of crying.

“It was her pack who killed my parents not her!”

“But she kills people Taehyung, she kills!” Her voice is shaking.

“But she did not choose it! She was -”

“Taehyung are you sure, you can trust that –”

“GRANDMA!” Leo roars this time and I see the Fire Lady flinch at the sound of my wolf. Her eyes are filled with terror and she is visibly shaking. Leo is begging me to have control but I push him at the back of my mind. Leo is angry with the way the Fire Lady is acting towards my mate. He wants her to respect our mate and to accept her as we did. Call it instincts or anything else but I trust her, I trust her with my life and I know that she will never hurt me or anyone I love. She could have killed Minjoon when she found him but she never did, instead she returned him and took a bullet from the Alpha. I knew it from that moment that she will never hurt anyone in my pack, not intentionally.

“Taehyung.” The Fire Lady whispers, searching my face.

“Grandma. I know she comes from the enemy pack, I know that she is an assassin, that she has killed people. She is not like other she wolves and not like how you imagined my mate to be. She knows more poison recipes than she knows dishes that won’t kill a person. I know that...that you are afraid that she will kill me and I know that you are concerned for me. I know grandma... I know. I know everything. But she is my mate grandma, the one for me. I.. I love her.” I say, my voice breaking at the word ‘love’.

“She is everything for me.”

I see tears escape the Fire Lady’s eyes. I have never seen her cry and I am really surprised that I bought tears to the lady who breaths fire. She sniffs and shakes her head at me. She simply gets up from her table and leaves the house, her favorite dish left untouched on the table.

I sit there replaying all the events in my head that happened moments ago. I leave the table, leaving the food untouched and start climbing the stairs. First I decide to go to Sanae’s room but I don’t feel like doing that right now. I need some time alone to clear my head. When I open the door to my room, I find Sanae standing by the window.

“Sanae.” I call out for her.

“I give you two options.” She says and turns around to face me. I see that her eyes have gone red and her hair is a mess.

“Number one, let me go.” She says and Leo lets out a growl. I clench and unclench my fists, both me and my wolf not pleased with the idea of her leaving us.

“Number two, reject me.”


“Choose, doing anyone of those will eventually lead to the other.”

“I will not let you leave and I won’t reject-”

“You are not the first one Tae.” She screeches, her body shaking and I see her eyes change color.

“What do you mean-”

“I KNOW HOW THIS WORKS!” She screams. Silence follows, only our heavy breathing could be heard. My mind running hundred miles per hour to figure out what half of her words meant. I try searching her face to find clues to complete the puzzle she put me into.

“First you give into the bond, and then play with it and at the end, you reject it. I know how it works.” She says her voice barely a whisper. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath but her body is still shaking.

“I will never reject you.” I say. She shakes her head and opens her eyes which have turned black now. Her canines have come out too.

“You have to. This is for your own good.”

“You are good for me-”

“NO!” She screeches her voice animalistic this time. I thought that she was warming up to me; I thought that she was finally lowering her walls but I was wrong. Her walls have grown even taller and I have no idea how to break them.

“Why not?” I ask. “Why do you want me to reject you?”

“Think logically Tae. My pack killed your parent-”

“So you were listening.”


“Then I hope that’s not the only thing you heard.”

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night :)

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