Chapter 17

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“Let’s talk.” I say and see him shiver. He needs to grow some balls. He climbs down the stairs followed by me. I motion him to take a seat on the couch in the living room. He hesitates for a moment but nods.

He sits on the couch and I sit on the lone chair beside the couch, facing him. I try to put as much distance between us as possible because he is already freaked out, not that I mind.

“What do you want to talk about?” He asks without stuttering and I am pretty much surprised. But his voice is wavering. So he is trying to grow some balls. Hmm... good for him.

“About the pack border.”

“What about the pack border?” He asks, his voice firm this time.

“I know they changed the protocol after my pack attacked.” He nods, his expression stern. This sudden change in his behavior surprises me. He is not how I imagined him to be. He has already got some balls. Hmm.. even better for him.

“What are the new patters?” I ask him straightaway. He raises an eyebrow at my question. Suddenly he is cocky. I haven’t seen someone change their behavior like this. Either he has personality disorder or he has a serious bipolar disorder.

“Why do you think I will tell you?” He asks crossing his arms on the chest. There’s this certain edginess to his voice. I think its his Gamma status which is making him seem like this.

Technically speaking, I am a warrior which makes me inferior to him. But I am an assassin who have handled many situations like this and carried the heads of countless Alphas on a silver platter. He happens to be just a Gamma after all. Dealing with him won’t be hard. If he doesn’t cooperate then I will do what I am good at.

“Because you are sitting with a highly skilled assassin in a room and you value your life.” I say with a straight face, watching him. I see him flinch a little on the words skilled and assassin.

“You will kill me if I don’t tell you?” His question seems more like an assertion, a statement. If he thinks so then he is right.

“Yes.” I say, not blinking once. I see his eyes switching color. His wolf  is taking control. I feel Calliope coming to the surface too.

“Then kill.” He hisses, his canines are on display and his eyes completely black. He jumps on the couch, his claws extending.

I mimic his actions. I feel my canines coming out and my claws extending. He doesn’t know what he is getting into and I am more than willing to let him show what I am good at. Killing. I was designed to kill and I take this hobby of mine very seriously. He leaps at me but I dodge out of his way and he ends up turning the chair that I have been occupying moments ago upside down.

I let Calliope take control. She has been bugging me for days to let her out and now when she is almost on the surface she is nothing but happy. My lips curl into a devilish smile.

Let’s kill!′ Calliope howls in joy. I was about to leap on Jungkook when the doorbell rings. It claims both of our attentions. He hisses at me but doesn’t attack again. I see his canines and claws disappear as he makes his way to the door. Good. I can use this opportunity to attack him but then I have to kill two people. It has to be quick and clean. As he opens the door, I take my attacking position. I have to knock two people at the same time. It won’t be easy but it’s worth a shot.

When the door opened and the pregnant Luna burst in pushing the Gamma at her side, my canines and claws disappeared of their own. I don’t put pregnant women on my hit list. She offers me a generous smile and I couldn’t help but smile at her too. She is really generous and affectionate. When I woke up in the hospital it was her who greeted me and told me that everything will be alright. She comforted me even though I don’t belong to her pack. She behaved as if she was my long lost friend. She has the affection of a mother and offers companionship of a friend. A perfect Luna, I would say. The Luna back I’m our pack is never kind with me, well she is not kind with anyone.

“Sanae. How are you?” She asks nearing me. Jungkook keeps eyeing me. I know that he is doubting if I will hurt the Luna.

“I am fine Luna. Thanks for asking.” I say maintaining my polite tone.

“Call me Eunae, Sanae. We will be sisters soon.” She says beaming. I know what she means by me being her sister. she is referring me to take the Beta female position , mate with Taehyung  to be exact,  and I am not letting that happen anytime soon.

“I was getting bored and I thought spending some time with you will let me know more about you. So here I am.” She says, her face giving away her excitement. I nod at her thinking about my escape.

“Sounds good.” I say trying to copy her excitement. I don’t want to be dishonest with this Luna but I guess I have to. If I want to escape then I have to be dishonest with her.

“Hey lets go for shopping!” She chirps and my lips curl into a smile. That’s it! We are going out. I can easily slip away, fuck border petrol, click my heels and go home. Easy peasy.

“I will go too.” Jungkook says but Eunae ignores him most of the time. I have to find a way to haul his ass. Okay, first I will haul his ass, then slip away, then fuck border petrol, the click my heels and then go home. Seems quite a good plan to me. I hope that I will escape this time.

My hope was shattered soon. She took us to a small family store nearby. All the time she held my hand and Jungkook was hot on our tail. She dragged me straight to the new born section, looking for baby cloths. I had no option but to be with her. I just couldn’t find a way to escape. I have to hurt Eunae  and Jungkook  to escape. I am ready to hurt Jungkook but Eunae  is the last person in this universe I will hurt. Even though we haven’t spent much time together but she has managed to earn my respect. She is a true Luna.

“It’s a girl.” She says, putting a small top on her swollen belly.

“How did you know?” I ask shuffling the small pieces of cloths and trying to look interested. Shopping has never been a thing for me. Jungkook keeps watching me from behind. I can feel his eyes on me all the time.

“The doctor told me.” She squeaks with happiness and I can’t help but smile at her. She is acting like a teenage girl and I wonder if that’s what it’s like to carry a child in your belly. I have never carried anyone in my belly, neither was I carried in someone’s belly. I was created in a lab. I am a product of some experiment. I was created, genetically engineered, designed to do stuff that is not possible for an ordinary wolf. No I am not a robot, I am a human, a werewolf to be more precise.

I was made to kill.

I know how to kill humans, werewolves, vampires and many other creatures. You name it and I kill it.

But how do I kill feelings?

How do I kill the feelings that Calliope has developed for Taehyung’s wolf?

And how do I kill...

my feelings?


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