Chapter 31

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After lunch I came back to Taehyung’s house and waited like before. My eyes tracing the clock hands as they move. jungkook never left my side, he continued with his failed attempts to pick a fight with me. He tried to talk to me but most of the time I turned him out, my eyes never leaving the clock. Eventually he went silent and started staring at the clock just like me. One, two and then three hours passed away as we sat on the couch and stared at the grandfather clock as if that was the most fascinating thing on this earth.

It was 6 in the evening when I heard the front door opening. I felt his presence first, then his scent. He enters the house and his eyes falls on me first. I search his face, the bags under his eyes giving away hints of a sleepless night and his face void of any emotion. I was about to speak when he speaks “jungkook come to my office now.” His eyes were now on jungkook. Usually he greets me when he comes home but today he seems different. It seems like he trying to ignore me.

“Okay.” jungkook says and follows Taehyung, who is already halfway to his office. Why is he acting like this? Is he alright? Did he lose interest in me now? Is this how it works?

I feel a tug in my heart and a tear escapes my eye. I wipe it away. Is he mad at me? I think he has realized that I am not worth fighting for after all. He is definitely mad at me. Maybe he will leave me. Will he?


“What happened?” I ask jungkook who looks troubled. He looks like something is bothering him from inside. After Taehyung took Jungkook, I have been sitting on this couch again and starring at the watch, again waiting. After half an hour jungkook came out but taehyung  is still in his office.

“Nothing.” He says and runs his hands through his hair. He is quiet this time and I see a muscle in his jaw ticking. He looks frustrated and disturbed. I remember that he was not like this before he went to Taehyung’s office. Maybe it’s something related to work that is bothering him.

“Are you okay?” I try asking him. He looks at me, his eyes grim. I have never seen this side of jungkook. For a moment I see an uncertainty and fear in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” I  repeats my question, his eyes fixed with mine. He shakes his head and rubs his face. After that he starts staring at the big grandfather clock that we have been staring all afternoon.

“jungkook, what is it?” I try to ask him again. I don’t know why but seeing him like this is bothering me. I must know why he is acting like this. I don’t like seeing him like this, I prefer a jungkook who is rather tries to annoy me.

“jungkook?” I call but he doesn’t answer me and keeps staring at the clock.

“jungkook, did taehyung say something to you?” I try again. This time he shakes his head in disapproval and continues staring at the clock.

“Then what is it?”

“Why do you care?” He asks and I am taken back for a moment. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

“Maybe I can help you...” My words come out as whisper. My eyes searching his face in an attempt to find the cause of his distress. Finally he moves his eyes from the clock and looks at me. There is softness in his eyes now, a certain vulnerability that begs me to help him. I really want to help. His eyes which are always shinning and his face which always has a smile plastered on are nowhere to seen. He looks different. A bad kind of different. Lately I have noticed that this laugh doesn’t reach his eyes. Maybe he is dealing with a different kind of hell. Everyone has their own hell and I am sure about that.

“I... I ...uh... I don’t know Sanae.” He says his voice barely audible. His eyes fixed on his shoes as he continues to run his hand through his hair making them messier.

“You don’t know what?” I ask rubbing his shoulder. As I study his features, I realize that I was wrong when I thought that jungkook resembles hoseok. hoseok is my best friend and he feels like a friend but jungkook feels like a small brother, someone like family. I never had a family, only friends, who were in the same condition as I.

“I don’t know. My... my wolf... he...agh... I don’t know.” He says rubbing his face.

“Maybe you-”

“Get ready. We have to go to the ceremony.” Suddenly Taehyung speaks from behind and I almost jump in shock. As soon as he finishes his speaking, he climbs the stairs and disappears upstairs. He is really avoiding me. I feel the tug again and fight back tears.

“See you later jungkook.” I say and climb upstairs, afraid that I might start crying in front of him. When I reach upstairs, I decide to go talk to taehyung about all the things that I have been planning on to tell him the whole day. I stop in front of his door and knock twice. He doesn’t answer, I push the door slightly and find it locked from inside. I feel a lump in my throat and I feel my eyes burning from the tears that I holding back.

Is he really upset with me? Why is he acting like this? Is he really done with me?

“Taehyung.” I call out but he doesn’t answer. I go to my room after my failed attempts to talk to him and take a shower. As I sit under the shower, I let the tears come out this time knowing that no one can see them here.

I think I have messed this up.

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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