Chapter 40

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“Finally, I have got my hands on you.” He growls with a smirk on his face. I feel a shiver run down my spine and goosebumps appear on my skin. I am sweating very much and I feel my mouth go dry. My heart rate is dramatically high and my head is throbbing with pain from the previous blows to it. My whole body is in pain but my hands are on fire because they are tied by silver shackles which are burning deep into my skin. I have been like this for almost a day. Whenever he comes into my cell, things get even worse. Right now, feeling his eyes on me, I want to die.

I try to free my hands from the silver shackles which are burning away my skin. As I try to pull my hands out of them, the silver makes contact with my already burned skin and I let out a cry in pain.

He chuckles seeing me struggle like this. Calliope howls in pain and sadness as I growl at him, showing him my razor sharp canines. I am helpless and totally powerless in my situation but still I struggle and make things difficult for him.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. sanae you’re so stubborn. Now stop struggling like that. You are making things worse for yourself.” He says as he nears me, the heat in his eyes makes me shiver. When he reaches me, he lowers himself to my level and his hand reaches for my neck.

The sudden contact of his skin is sending sparks throughout my body but this time Calliope does not howl with joy as she knows what he will be doing with us. She sits back and watches as the wolfsbane eats away her consciousness. I feel her slowly slipping out from me like sand. Fading away like smoke.

He makes his grip around my neck even tighter making me choke. Satisfaction covers his face as he sees a tear run down my face. He is enjoying to see me in pain. I look in his eyes for any hint of love or affection that mates are supposed to have for each other but his eyes are cold and sinister. Why is he doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this fate? Why did I get him as my mate? Why him? Why me?

More tears run down my cheeks as I remember the time when I was excited to meet my mate, when I dreamed of being in the arms of my mate, when I thought that he will love me. His smile widens as he sees more tears escaping my eyes. Yes he does love me. He loves me to see in pain.

What kind of love is this?

His lips curl into an evil smile as he say “That’s what I want. Now let’s see what else you have got.”

His hand leaves my neck and travels down. The heat in his eyes intensifies and soon I feel a searing pain engulfing my body.

I start screaming.

I feel strong arms hold me and they tighten around me as I try to get out from their hold. I feel waves of sparks and electricity erupt from the contact, my whole body giving into the touch.

There’s this certain kind of calmness that is trying to engulf me, trying to take over me but I don’t want it. I don’t want to fall for more traps. I scream once more, begging Calliope to take control so that she could free us from those strong arms. I am scared of them. Scared that they will harm me.

But these arms feel different. Their touch is soft, they caress me. They have a soothing aura about them, something that calms Calliope. I feel my cheeks getting wet with my tears. I can’t help but think of all those times when he hurt me, when he took advantage of me, when he used me. I always was taken for granted but not now.

I try to push the arms away from me but they tighten more. I open my eyes and find Tae above me. He is holding me down with my hands pinned at my side and we are on his ... bed? He is looking at me with a puzzled expression, his eyes filled with concern. When I realize that I am under him, I start to struggle against his hold and scream like a woman screaming bloody murder. He watches me in confusion and tries to calm me down but all I want is to get away from him.

Those memories, they haunt me, taunt me, give me nightmares and I guess that I was having one right now.

“Sanae. Calm down. I am he-”

“GET OFF ME. LET ME GO.” I scream and he watches me with confusion and hurt decorating his face. Why am I in his bed? What is he doing laying above me? Why is he holding me like this? Is he going to do the same things that he did to me? Is he going to hurt me too? All these questions flood my thought and I feel Calliope panic thinking the same things. I feel her take over me. My eyes change color and I feel my claws and canines come out.

I let out a loud animalistic growl, free my hands from Tae’s hold and punch him on the face. He is thrown off from above me and I take this moment to get off his bed and cross the room trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

“Sanae! What’s wrong?” I hear Tae ask. I see him get up from his bed. He is shirtless and his nose is bleeding due to my punch. He has a scowl on his face as he looks at me.

“Why am I in your room?” I growl at him as he watches me with confusion. My eyes fixed on his face despite Calliope bugging me to look down at his perfectly sculpted body. She knows that I have been dreaming, she knows about my nightmares but she is more trusting than me. She is telling me to let him touch me, let him come near me but I am not ready, I am not sure. I find it hard to rely on Calliope sometimes because she is gullible, the instinctual part of me but my logical part has other views. Its so conflicting, so confusing. I clutch my head and let out a frustrated scream.

“You were poisoned.”

“That’s not the answer to my question. Why did I find myself in your room with you on top of me?” I ask angrily.

“I was trying to comfor-”

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I scream on the top of my lungs, my head throbbing with pain.

“NO!” He screams back, his eyes changing color.

“I am leaving.” I let the words out of my mouth and spin on my heels to leave the room. Before I could each the door, it has caught fire. I stagger back, confused at the source of fire. I turn around and find the whole room is on fire with Tae standing in the centre, his whole body oozing with flames. Suddenly, I feel trapped and scared.

Will he hurt me too?

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night  💜:)

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