Another Boring Day

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Another boring day, that's what I thought it was going to be, and for the most part, I was right. My day was filled with sniffling brats telling me some sob story excuse of why they couldn't do their homework. If they aren't going to do it they might as well just own up to it. I give them a whole week to hand them in and still half the class insists on not doing the assignments. Like honestly, I get it. I hate homework too, but it's not my choice it's principal Smith's. He thinks a little homework is good for them. I'd like to see him waste his nights grading if he likes it so much.

After my last class came in and took their seats I took role before announcing "homework needs to be turned in," just as I do every week. Though this should be no surprise to them half the class gasped and started to panic. I don't know how many times I've told them homework is due on Fridays. It's been like what, 3 months and they still haven't gotten it down.

I watched as several kids raised there hand. Mr. Ackerman this, Mr. Ackerman that. I cut them off then and there, "if you don't have a note saying you were hospitalized then no excuses," I said only to earn a bunch of groaning and "but Mr. Ackerman."

"Any notes? No, then no buts," I silenced them. I collected the homework from the few students that actually do it.

"Thank you Mr. Arlert," I said collecting Armin's stack of paper's.

As I was coming around the class I stopped in front of one of my students who usually does her homework. She gave me a weird look before asking, "can I talk to you after class?" This seemed unusual since she's usually very quiet during class and always does her homework without complaint. She's a star student and never misses an assignment, ever. Now from her, I might actually listen to an excuse.

"Sure thing," I said before continuing my rounds. She looked different than normal. She normally was very neat and wellrested. However, the bags under her eyes, the redness in her face, her messy hair, and wrinkled up clothes told me something was going on.

After that, I passed out the next stack of assignments. I made them as easy as possible since I was really trying hard to get students to actually do their work. I swear half of the assignments ended up in the trash by the time class was ending. I just sighed and watched them get thrown away. The least they can do is hand them back to me rather than waste the paper.

The class left all but one. "Mikasa, you wanted to talk to me?" I asked taking a seat in the desk next to hers.

She nodded without looking up. I waited quietly for her to say what she needed to say but she seemed very hesitant about it. After a moment of silence passed she finally spoke up. "I know you said no excuses but-," she started.

"I'm going to stop you there." I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable talking to me without feeling like one of those delinquents who throw their assignments in the trash. "I only said that because I know for a fact the people who were giving me the excuses don't do their homework, you on the other hand usually do the work so I'll listen to what you have to say." With that, I sat back and listened quietly.

She nodded again more confident in her response this time, however, she still looked a bit hesitant. She froze wanting to say something her mouth open but the words seemed to be caught in her throat. "My father passed away this week," she finally rushed out. The words seemed to physically pain her. "I'm in between homes at the moment. Between trying to move in with my brother and dealing with my dad's death I haven't really had any time to get work done," her voice was quiet and fragile. She was careful with her words almost as if she said the wrong one she wouldn't be able to finish what she was saying. Her voice had started to crack towards the end and I knew she wasn't making this up.

I've heard a lot of excuses and some pretty convincing but even the theatre kids couldn't pull off the look someone gets in their eyes when they are fighting against themselves to hold back tears. I've heard just about every excuse in the book which is saying something since some are pretty out there. Then again my seniors aren't all that bright at times.

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