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Not long after the movie Mikasa had got a text from one of her other friends to go out for dinner. She got picked up and told us she'd be back anywhere between an hour to two hours. I looked at Levi with a quick smile. "We have two hours, I know what we should do."

Levi just shook his head. "Eren you look like death. I don't want to explain to the hospital, or to your sister, that you keeled over because we fucked."

"I'm not going to keel over," I mumbled with a pouty expression on my face, but I knew he wasn't going to change his mind.

He just raised his eyebrow at me with that 'are you sure' sort of look. I just huffed I knew he was right, but I wasn't going to let him know that. We ended up just eating dinner. Levi insisted on cooking. It was a little annoying that he was insisting to wait on me, but only a little. It was sweet of him to go out of his way to be here for me. I didn't know how long he was planning on staying, but honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was all night.

After we finished dinner we just headed to bed with a few cheesy movies and board games. He was right, I already felt like hell. There would be no way I'd be able to have sex tonight. We sat on my bed and just played a few games. We had started a game of chess which I knew I wasn't going to win since I've only ever played a few games with dad on his free days.

Mikasa came home a little bit after loudly declaring her presence in the house. I called her name and she came into my room a little hesitant to do so. "Did you lock the door?" I asked her when she came in and she nodded. I mostly just wanted her to know that we aren't doing anything bad and she doesn't have to think we are. It's bad enough she saw some of the marks on us, the last thing I wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable here thinking we were doing something we weren't.

"How was dinner?" I asked.

"It was nice. Armin ended up staying home because he was tired. We did end up playing video games all night so I don't blame him for being exhausted. So it ended up just being Annie, Sasha, and I. It was nice to have a girls night." She smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun."

"Yeah. Well, I'm going to go finish up the last bit of my homework," she said excusing herself. She seemed a lot more comfortable around Levi and I was just glad that she didn't seem entirely weirded out by everything still.

We got back to the chess game and I started uncomfortably shifting around. My back was really sore from being slammed against my car, but now there was nothing to lean against and I was hunched over.

"Hey, are you okay?' Levi asked when I started wincing as I stretched my back.

"Yeah, my back is just a little sore sitting like this," I said before starting to move over.

"Here does this help," Levi said before scooting up behind me so that I could lean my back up against his chest.

"Actually yes," I laughed when I felt how comfortable that felt. Maybe I'm just biased because inside Levi's arms was always the best place to be. "Are you comfortable?" I asked hoping that he doesn't put himself in any awkward positions that will hurt later.

"Yup, I like this position besides I can do this," he said before nipping at my ear right as I was about to move my piece.

"Hey," I scrunch my shoulders up to block my ears, "no cheating," I pouted.

"I'm not cheating," he laughed.

"You're distracting me, and I need all my concentration for this game."

"Why you've already lost."

"I have?"

"Well," he pointed out his pieces, "no matter what you do I'll still get a checkmate you can't block it."

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