Switching It Up

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We made it into my room and I pushed him down on the bed with our lips connected. I grabbed the lube and condoms out of a drawer when we pulled away to catch our breath. Levi had leaned over to my ear and whispered. "I want you to fuck me," he said in a breathy voice before nipping at my ear. My cheeks exploded with red.

"Uh o-okay if you want," I said with an awkward smile. "I've never done it before so I don't know how good I'll be at it."

"You've never topped before?" He asked looking at me not with judgment but just with genuine curiosity.

"No," my eyes looked away from his as I started to feel embarrassed.

"Hey," he said his hands caressing my cheek guiding my eyes back to his, "that's okay. If you get stuck I'll help you out."

"Thanks, babe," I said kissing his hand that was on my cheek. I sort of knew what I was doing all I had to do was remember what Levi did to me. I was hoping I wouldn't have to ask him what to do and that I could just keep the mood going. I mean could you imagine me having to stop in the middle to ask what the hell I'm supposed to do? What a mood killer.

I leaned back in to kiss him but I pulled away and moved down to his neck. I moved behind him so that he was sitting in my lap. His hand moving up to my hair as he caught his lip between his teeth. I think I just found one of his sweet spots.

I continued on with what I was doing whispering in his ear asking if it was fine to go further and he nodded. I went back to kissing his neck while my hand slid down his pants and rubbed at his semi-hard member.

His head fell back on my shoulder and his hips grind against mine as he tried to get me to pick up the pace. "Eren," he breathed. The tone of his voice mixed with his hips grinding against me, and his hand lightly tugging at my hair was enough to get me hard.

I pulled my hand out of his pants and started to slide them down along with his underwear. He kicked them off and straddled my lap connecting out lips. I wrapped one arm around the small of his back while my other grabbed the lube. I popped the lid open an put some on my fingers.

I knew how to prep someone I fingered myself before I just have to figure out what parts feel good for Levi since they might be different than what feels good for me. I asked him if it was okay to proceed and he nodded. He pressed his lips back to mine as I started pushing a finger in. He seemed to adjust rather quickly. I slid in a second finger and he quickly adjusted again.

I pulled away and whispered in his ear. "You must do this a lot?" I asked.

"Yup, especially since I started dating you. Do you know how many times I've done it and wished it was you instead?" he said and I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"Well, I hope I don't disappoint," I gave a nervous laugh.

"Impossible, because it's you," he said before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I slid in a third finger and this time it took him a little longer to adjust. He let out a moan as he started rocking against my fingers to get them deeper. "Eren, more," he moaned and I knew that meant he was saying he was ready.

I pulled my fingers out, rolled on a condom, and positioned myself at his entrance. "Ready babe?"

"Of course," he purred and I slowly pulled his hips down sliding it in. He bit his lip and rolled his head back as he got used to it. "You're huge," he moaned.

The more he got used to it the more he took in until he started bouncing a little grinding his hips. "Damn," I said watching him holding back my moans. It was obvious that he was experienced as a bottom too, which meant I was screwed as a beginner top.

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