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In his brief text, he told me a gist of what happened. His ex showed up and was acting aggressive, his friend Jean showed up, the cops showed up ex got arrested. That pretty much was all I know at this point. His next messages he sent was where the key was. I headed up to Eren's apartment and found the spare key. It was where he told me it was.

I didn't know anything about his current condition, whether or not his ex laid his hands on him, or if Eren was going through emotional turmoil. All I knew was I had to rush over. Now that I'm here standing in front of the door the sense of hurry was replaced with the panic of what if's.

I took a deep breath and attempted to calm my mind before putting the key in the door and unlocking it. I took a breath and opened the door. I just stopped where I was. Eren was laying on the couch his head in some dudes lap. I closed the door behind me and the guy seemed to have woken up.

"Oh, hey you must be Levi," he said attempting a friendly smile before wincing probably due to the giant bruise still forming on his face. This must be the friend Eren was talking about. What's his name? John?

"Yeah," I said walking over and shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jean. Eren's told me a lot about you." Oh, it's Jean, not John. I was close.

"Likewise," I said giving him a smile before sitting on the chair.

"So, did Eren fill you in on what happened?"

"Barely," I sighed.

"Well, I can fill you in on what I saw." He offered and I nodded.

He pulled out his phone and explained that he had taken pictures of Eren and his wounds for the police as evidence against his ex. He said the cops already took some, but he decided to take extra in case they ended up losing them. It seemed he was hellbent on getting this guy locked up and away from Eren. He scrolled through the pictures explaining all of them.

He told me everything he knew. He said there were a few wounds on Eren where he wasn't sure how he got them, and that Eren didn't really want to talk about to him, but that he had told the cops everything. The only one he didn't know what happened for sure was how Eren got the cut on his lip, but he said the rest he was able to figure out.

He told me where Eren's injuries were and how he got them, aside from his lip. "His wrists are bruised and scratched up where the asshole was holding him, he has bruises around his neck since the douchebag tried to strangle him." He finished telling me all of them each time managing to call Eren's ex a different profanity with such hate in his voice. I like this guy he really does care about Eren.

When he finished I thanked him and offered to give my theory on what happened to Eren's lip. He nodded and waited for me to continue. "Well, you said that was the only one Eren really refuse to talk about right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well do you think he could be embarrassed about how he got it?"

"Maybe?" he still seemed confused.

"Well, I've seen my fair share of kissing injuries especially when someone bites someone else's lip too hard. His lip looks like an extreme version of that," I said and he took another look at the picture and he gave me a surprised look.

"Oh! Oh." his voice faded before looking back to Eren. I watched him run his hand through Eren's hair with a light sigh. "He's going to need a lot of help to get over today." Jean finally said.

"Yeah his ex seems to be a sore topic," I said remembering the last time it came up in conversation how scared he was.

"Extremely, Eren called me a few weeks ago after his ex texted him for the first time, he looked so..." his voice faded out looking for the right word, "broken." He let out a sad sigh before looking back at Eren. "He was curled up in a corner in his bedroom hyperventilating and shaking. I couldn't even get him talking for nearly an hour.

My heart broke. Eren never told me about that. I mean I knew he looked scared and a little more on edge, but I never knew that he had that bad of a break down over that text. I wish I knew, maybe I would have been able to help him more. I'm glad someone ended up helping him, even if it wasn't me.

I thanked him for looking after Eren that night, and for looking after him today. I knew I should have gone with him, but I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. At one point I had thought about following him and just watching, but I didn't since, one that's creepy, and two he knows what my car looks like. Looking back on everything and how it all went down I know I definitely should have insisted I went with him.

"Well, I'm just glad this psycho will be locked up. I mean he has to go to trial, but there's like no chance he'd be able to walk with all the evidence we have on him." Jean finally said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"If for some reason he does walk then I will go to trial for murder," I said making it seem as if I was joking.

"You and me both buddy," He laughed.

I was only partly joking, I wouldn't search him out, but I know how that story ends. After hearing what Jean had told and what he had said he was genuinely crazy and would do anything to get Eren back. It seems when Eren refuses he gets violent. So yeah, if he walks, I'd probably be going to jail. Eren has gone through enough torment at the hands of this guy.

"Levi, when did you get here?" Eren asked as he sat up rubbing at his eyes. He winced as he spoke.

"A few minutes ago." It had been a little bit longer than a few minutes, but I didn't need him asking what we were talking about. He shouldn't have to relive it again.

"So you guys had a chance to meet?" Eren asked looking between Jean and me.

"Yup," Jean smiled.


"And I think my friend is crazier than yours," I laughed and he smiled.

"Well, I'd like to meet this friend," Jean laughed, "it's hard to believe there's a person out there crazier than me." He said.

"Well, if you ever meet her, well, let's pray you don't." I laughed. Not everyone can handle Hanji, especially when she's hyper. Hell half the time I can barely handle her.

"Speaking of Hanji How did it go?" Eren asked looking to me, "I see you're still alive."

"For now," I laughed, "she did glare at me while her girlfriend was in the room. Before I could see what she would do without her girlfriend in the room I ended up telling her everything. She says her lips are sealed."

"Is she good at keeping a secret?" Eren asked.

I just shrugged, "I don't know, but it's very rare that Erwin and her end up in the same room so I think we'll be okay regardless."

"Well, as long as you're still living," he laughed.

Jean stood up and stretched his back out. "Well as nice as it was to meet you, I have to head back home to my own boyfriend." he looked at his phone before smiling really big, "who should be getting off work in the next few minutes."

Eren stood up and gave him a hug, "thank you."

"No problem, if you need anything my phones always on," he said before turning to me.

He shook my hand, "again nice to meet you," he said before leaning in a little, "take care of him, he may not look like it right now, but he's not okay." He said giving me a heads up and I gave him a nod back.

"Nice meeting you too."

With that he excused himself. Eren insisted on walking him out, but he declined and said, "hey dipshit you need some rest, I'll be fine before walking out the door. Eren just laughed and sat back down on the couch.

I sat next to him and just carefully wrapped my arms around him. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked and he just stayed quiet for a minute.

Finally, in a strained whisper, I heard him say, "just hold me." I could tell by the strain in his voice he had started crying.

I ended up sitting half against the back of the couch and half against the armrest with Eren with his face in my chest curled up silently crying. His hands clinging to my shirt as if his life depended on it, and in his mind, it might have. I wrapped my arms around him and one of my hands just ran through his hair. Every once in a while I'd place a kiss on the top of his head.

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