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We closed my door behind me and made our way to the bed. I pushed him down on the bed and straddled his lap. "Rock paper scissors?" I asked between kisses.

He laughed as he pulled away. "Is there any other way?"

"Well, you can beg me again?" I suggested with a giant smirk.

"Maybe next time," he laughed, "I kind of want to see how this rock paper scissors turn out."

"Fine," I laughed and put my hand up ready for him to go.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors," we said together. I watched as I held up scissors and he held up rock.

"Isn't this how you won last time?" I asked.

"Do you always go for scissors?"

"No...Maybe," I laughed. Damn, he already had me figured out.

"Good thing I always do rock," he laughed before placing a kiss on my lips.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him back, "I guess I'll do paper next time."

"Well next time all bets are off," he laughed.

I just sighed and pulled him closer. "So you're topping this time." I grind my hips down on his.

"You're right," he said flipping me to my back and moving so that he's kneeling between my legs which were hooked around his hips.

"That was smooth."

"I try." He leaned forward and placed his lips back on mine while his hands went to the hem of my shirt. I didn't wait for him to ask if it was okay I just helped him pull it off.

"Someone's eager."

"For you, always," I said doing my best to grind my ass against him at this awkward angle.

"You're cheesy," he smiled before kissing me again. I pulled away and shook my head.

"Shirt off," I pointed at his shirt and gave him a devilish smile.

"If you insist." He slid his shirt off and I let out a whistle.

"I'll never get tired of this," I said running my hand down his chest.

"Good to hear."

Levi was taking so long and moving at a painfully slow pace on purpose of course. He was moving in slow motion, unbuttoning my pants and then unzipping them took him over two minutes. He stared at me with a devious smirk waiting for me to break. I knew exactly what he was waiting for, he was waiting for me to beg. The question was, am I really that desperate for him to fuck me that I would throw my pride out.

"Good God Levi, would you just hurry up and fuck me already," I groaned. I guess the answer is yes I am that desperate.

"Impatient much?"

"Extremely. Now, are you going to fuck me or and I going to have to do it myself?"

"Oh, how would you do that?" he asked more intrigued than anything. My cheeks just went red as embarrassment washed over me. "Did you mean you'd finger yourself in front of me, or pin me down and ride me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Ride you," I lied. I knew if I said the other one he'd want me to do it.

"You're bad at lying." He smirked. "But then again, I'd like to see you do both of those things.

"Do I have to?" I groaned.

"Of course you don't have too, but it would be really hot if you did." He said with a shrug.

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