The Talk

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"I think we have something we need to talk about," Erwin's words rang in my ears. The tone in which he said it was so distant and cold.

He was right we needed to talk, I was going to wait until tomorrow to talk to him so we would have some time to cool down, but I guess we will do it now. I'm not exactly sure what he's mad about, but I need to know if he expects me to make it better.

"You're right, we do need to talk. You need to tell me why you're pissed at me. I can't fix things if I don't even know what's broken." I stood up a little frustrated.

Erwin just stared straight through me. "You don't have to keep up the act." his voice was calm but it also held a sense of annoyance. "I know what's been going on." He sounded more frustrated than angry as he rolled his eyes at me.

What's been going on what is he- wait. Oh, shit does he know about Eren. My blood ran cold. That would definitely explain why he's so pissed off. "You know," I said quietly less as a question of if he knew and more as a realization. I just sat back down in my chair and I stayed quiet letting him speak. Man am I in deep shit.

"Of course I know. All this time I thought- you know what it doesn't matter what I thought since, in reality, you were screwing one of your student's legal guardians." I winced I couldn't help it with how he said it. He makes it seem like Eren and I are just fuck buddies, but we are so much more.

I just took a deep breath. I didn't want to get myself into even deeper shit. "Am I fired?" I whispered.

Erwin just stared at me for a moment before he let out a laugh. It wasn't his normal laugh, but it's the most I've actually seen him act like himself all day. "Is that what you thought?" He let out another laugh but this time his harsh expression changed. It wasn't his normal caring expression, but he wasn't glaring at me. "All today and all yesterday I've been trying to figure out what to say, what to do, but firing you was never even a thought in my head."

I just stared at him I felt so relieved in that moment, but also so guilty. Hanji was right, per usual. I should have just gone to him in the first place.

"Look, I know it's kind of a grey area for teachers, the whole sleeping with parents or legal guardians. Some places will fire you on the spot others won't." He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "You thought I was going to fire you?" I gave him a slight nod and he rolled his eyes. "Levi, unless you fuck up majorly, and I mean it would have to be the worst fuck up ever, I won't fire you. You're the best damn teacher here, and you're one of the best damn friends I've ever had. Though Hanji might have beat you to that title now," he said in a more joking tone.

"I mean she knew too so how far could she really beat me out for it?" he just froze and stared at me.

"She knew?" Shit probably shouldn't have said that. The last thing I want to do is piss him off again.

"Well, yeah, but she also told me I should tell you and she told me she hated lying to you, so I guess she is better than me after all." I shrugged. I didn't need him mad at Hanji for my mistake.

"Did you ever feel guilty about lying to me?" he asked his tone was flat and I couldn't tell if he was pissed off anymore or not. I couldn't even bring my head up to look him in the eyes. I just stared at the floor.

"Of course. I made myself sick with how guilty I was. Those days Hanji was telling you I was sick I was. I was so guilty and conflicted about lying to you that I made myself sick." I let out a sigh and finally looked up at him, "Ever since I found out he was Mikasa's legal guardian I've felt so guilty, and I still do. Lying to you was the worst thing I've ever had to do."

His expression showed a change he raised an eyebrow at what I said. I was wondering if he was trying to believe me or if he thought I was telling him more lies. "Wait what do you mean ever since you found out?" He sounded really confused and there was also a bit of relief in his voice.

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