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I didn't know what to do I just sat there trying to piece everything together. How could he be Mikasa's teacher? I guess I should have known when I heard his last name was Ackerman, but of course, I didn't even think about the possibility that he could be the Mr. Ackerman Mikasa was always talking about.

I finally managed to pull my eyes away from Levi who was still staring panicked at me. I looked to Mikasa who was still standing in the doorway. She was the first one to break the silence. "Damn it Eren, I knew you said you'd like to meet Mr. Ackerman but I didn't think you'd actually find him and fuck him." She said bringing her hand up and pinching the bridge of her nose.

I saw Levi get the wrong idea an instantly I spoke up, "that's not what happened at all!" I started stammering trying to deal with all the stress that just came over me. I had to get my thoughts in order.

I just turned to Levi, "she was telling me about this nice teacher of hers, which I guess is you, and I made a comment about how I'd like to meet him because he sounds like a good teacher. I didn't know you were her teacher." I said before my face went red. The way she said it made me seem so creepy god everything about this is just horrible. I finally find a good guy and it's my sister's teacher.

Mikasa finally walked in the apartment and closed the door behind her. "I'm heading to bed," she said keeping her eyes towards the floor as she passed Levi. When she made it to her room and closed the door I turned my eyes back to Levi who was staring blankly at the floor.

"I'm so fired," I heard him whisper.

"Looks like we need to talk about this," I sighed not really knowing what I was supposed to say.

"Indeed," he groaned and we both sat on the couch.

"So what are we going to do," I asked. I was afraid of his answer. I didn't want us to break up, but I know how bad this looks from all angles. He could get fired for this. If cps finds out about this I could be in trouble too I don't know their rules on this, but I'm pretty sure it can get us in some trouble.

"I don't know," HIs voice shook. I forced myself to look into his eyes. They were staring at the floor with an empty look in them. He looked sad and scared. He knew what we had to do, but he still refused to say it.

"Maybe we should break up," I suggested. I knew he couldn't bring himself to say it so I did. He looked up at me and saw a similar look in my eyes that he held in his.

"I think that's best," he sighed. Before anything more could be said we heard Mikasa's door slam open.

"No!" She yelled before marching up to us. "You both are clearly happy with each other why would you break up?" She glared at us for even thinking of such a thing.

"What else are we supposed to do?" I asked looking at her.

"Stay together and don't get caught," she shrugged. "Do you know easy it is to just hide your relationship? I mean all you have to do is make sure no one from the school sees you together," She shrugged.

"Hanji already saw us," Levi said groaning as he remembered.

"You and Ms. Hanji are friends, right? I'm sure if you ask her not to say anything then she won't." Mikasa suggested.

Levi just kinda shrugged. "It's worth a shot," he shrugged.

"What about cps?" I asked knowing she hasn't thought about that.

"Just don't have Levi answer the door anymore. Besides, it's been a few days since they last visited maybe they finally gave up?"

I didn't like the stress this put on us, however, I liked the idea of breaking up even less. "Okay, I'm in," I said placing my hand over Levi's giving him a smile. He just smiled back.

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