Long Day

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Author's note~ Hey guys I think there's only going to be one or two more chapters left! Hope you enjoy.

When I got home I collapsed on my bed. I drank too much, I'm just glad I managed to keep my mouth shut in front of Erwin. I knew tomorrow would be torturous, but hey at least I got permission to play a movie in class rather than actually having to make up a lesson. I shot Eren a goodnight text. I thought he would have been asleep by now, but I got a text back almost instantly.

"Goodnight Levi, have a good day at work tomorrow."

I just smiled and texted him back, "hope your day tomorrow goes good too." I know he's worried about going back to work tomorrow since his back wasn't fully healed. I just hope he doesn't try and push himself especially since his boss said she is fully aware of his situation and said she would help him out with anything. I laid down and was asleep within minutes.

When I woke up as predicted I was greeted with a pounding headache and the feeling of nausea. I'm so glad drunk me pulled the curtains closed before going to bed. If I woke up to the sun in my face I would have woke up in an even worse state.

I crawled out of bed slowly and got ready. I took a long hot shower with the lights off since my bathroom lights were way too bright, however, I had to get the smell of booze off of me. I finished my shower and got ready brushing my teeth twice before getting ready to leave. I took one look at the fridge and felt my stomach churn. "Nope." I grabbed an apple and threw it in my bag for later before heading out to my car.

I walked in the school with my head down and my sunglasses still on. Ah, the walk of shame. I can imagine Erwin and Hanji are 10 times worse at the moment. I almost felt the need to laugh at how bad they must look. I knew one thing was certain. If Neil so much as breaths in my direction I'm going to jail.

I got to my classroom and set up my computer and the projector. After getting those situated I hooked the speakers up and as promised I put the volume all the way up. It wasn't very loud, but to my pounding headache, it was as if a train horn was blaring by my ears. Today was going to be horrible, but it's better than have to teach all day.

When the first class came in I let out a sigh time to start the headache. I had taken off my sunglasses right as the door opened and kept my eyes wide despite the urge to shut them tight. I perked up at pretended as if nothing was wrong. The last thing you wanted was a bunch of asshole seniors knowing you were hungover. I had them take their seats and took attendance. Once I finished I gave them a smile.

"So, I know you guys have been really stressed these last few weeks and now that the meetings are going on a lot of you guys are on edge. So I thought it would be nice to give you all a break." I pulled out a movie and all the kids already seemed relieved about it. I set it up and turned out the lights as the kids got comfortable. Some stayed in the chairs others sat at the front of the class others laid on their backpacks like pillows and decided to take a nap. As long as they were quiet I could care less about what they do.

I laid my head on my desk and covered my ears as I tried to stop my headache. The movie was so loud but eventually, I got used to it. By the time Lunch rolled around I was ready for a break. I headed to Hanji's office and slumped down in a chair. She looked horrible her lights were off and she was curled up in her chair with a trash can nearby. When Erwin walked in he seemed relieved that the lights were off.

"You guys look like shit," Erwin said and Hanji and I simultaneously glared at him.

"You look worse than us," Hanji growled.

"Whatever," he sighed. He just slumped down in another chair. He seemed a little off today. Maybe he was more hungover than we thought he was. He kept his head down and was really quiet. He was always pretty quiet, but this was way quieter than usual.

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