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"Well, um," I took a moment to think. Everyone's eyes were on me I had to think fast. "First of all, we can't act like we already know each other. So wait for each of us to introduce ourselves."

"I get what you mean. So I can't just walk up and be like hi Levi." Eren said and I sighed.

"You can't call me Levi. So I'll have to walk up to you and say something along the lines of, 'Hello, my name is Mr. Ackerman I am Mikasa's English teacher,' and that's when you'll introduce yourself as either Mr. Jaeger or ever just Eren." I explained and he nodded.

"Alright got it," he nodded. "What else?"

"Try not to look at him like that," Hanji cut in.

"Like what," he asked. I was thinking the same thing. I didn't see him look at me weird.

"You look at him like he's the love of your life. Your lips twitch into a smile and your eyes brighten up." She tried to be more specific with it.

He just blinked a few times. I don't even think he realized he was looking at me that way, I didn't, but now that Hanji's said something I can definitely see what she's talking about. I let a smile slip as I tried not to laugh he looked at me and she was right.

"Levi you too," she cleared her throat. I caught myself suppressing the slight smile on my face and averted my eyes back to her.

"On second thought you two shouldn't look at each other at all unless it's absolutely necessary." Mikasa laughed watching us.

"That's fair," Eren said with a sigh.

"It can't be helped," I smiled back at Eren, "you're just to draw to my good looks as I am to yours."

"Damn you for being so attractive," Eren laughed.

"Well, no flirting is a given," Mikasa cut in with a fake gagging noise.

"Don't talk to each other too much," Hanji spoke up again. "The tone of your voices get noticeably lighter."

"So basically don't look, talk, or even breath by each other," I sighed looking to Hanji for confirmation.

"Pretty much."

"Well, this meeting is going to go swimmingly." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey it's going to be okay babe, we got this," Eren said and I saw Hanji smile a little.

"If you think so then I guess I believe you," I gave him a small smile.

"Well, I think that's enough for now. If I notice anything else I'll let you know." Hanji stood up and gave a straight stretch. "I'm going to head home."

"I think we should do the same," Eren spoked up and I nodded.

"Actually, I was going to spend the night at Armin's if that's okay?" Mikasa asked. "So if you too want a date night?" she pretended to gag again, "then you should plan for tonight."

Eren let out a big smile and turned to me. "Does tonight sound good?"

"Sure, how about I meet you at your house in 2 hours?" I suggested.

"That'd be perfect."

"Last time you guys spent the night together I walked in on you-"

"Hanji!" I said quickly, "phrase your next words very carefully or I might have to kill you," I quickly darted my eyes over to Mikasa making sure she got the hint not to talk about what she saw in front of her.

She just smiled and with that smile, I knew she didn't care. "You have a pretty dick." She laughed and ran to the door while I turned towards Mikasa mortified.

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