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After dinner, we continued talking for a while, but eventually, the conversation died down and Mikasa headed to bed. I looked at Levi and gave him a smile, "do you want to spend the night?" I asked with a big smile.

"I don't know," he said looking at me with a devious smirk.

"Please," I asked again and he pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"Alright, only because you begged." he smiled, "but your sister's in the house so nothing bad," he said as a condition.

I gave a little pout, "fine," I groaned agreeing to the condition. I mean I didn't really want Mikasa walking in on us, or accidentally hearing us. I guess it's for the best.

"I appreciate that," Mikasa said standing in her doorway, before heading past us to grab a water bottle and heading back to her room.

Levi went pale again and when she left the room his cheeks went red with embarrassment. "Well, that happened," he groaned a little.

I just laughed and kissed his cheek. "She's fine with it. She didn't sound upset in the slightest."

"I know, it's still embarrassing though." He laughed.

"Oh, you're going to need clothes and-."

"Actually, I have a bag ready in my car. I put it in there a little while ago when I was supposed to go to Hanji's but canceled, and was too lazy to take it out." He shrugged.

"Oh great. See being lazy pays off," I laughed.

He grabbed his stuff from his car before we headed into my room. We got changed and laid down on the bed cuddling up next to each other. "Do you have to set an alarm for the morning?"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me," Levi said sitting up grabbing his phone off the nightstand.

"Do you have to stop by your house in the morning?"

"Nope, I have everything I need in the car, as long as it's not Monday or Friday. That is unless I have a special lesson planned, but I don't" He shrugged as he plugged his phone back in.

We laid back down and cuddled up next to each other. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Not only did Jean see me looking like shit, but when he asked I brushed it off. I knew today he'd want to go out after work so we could talk about it, but what am I supposed to tell him exactly. I can tell him the truth, I trust him enough, but I don't want him to be in the middle of my lies if something happens. However, I don't want him to think I don't trust him.

I just have to make up my mind whether or not I want to involve him in the lies. I mean when will he actually have to lie for me? It's not like CPS will ever talk to him... but what if- no. Stop with the what if's. I have till tomorrow afternoon to decide what I'm doing, so don't stress too much about it. I'm sure Jean will have my back no matter what.

"What's on your mind?" Levi asked. He probably noticed I was off in my own head.

"Just overthinking per usual," I laughed. "It's nothing just stressing myself out of silly things.

"I get that," he laughed, "anything you want to share with me?"

"Nah, it's just work stuff," I sighed.

"Ah, I see, well if you ever need me to lend an ear just let me know." He smiled and I laid my head down on his chest.

"Likewise," I smiled and let my eyes close. I knew I was tired, but I didn't think it would hit me this hard. "I love you," I mumbled.

Right as my thoughts started to go blank I heard him replay, "I love you too babe."

My alarm went off and I was quick to silence it so I wouldn't wake Eren. I looked back to see him still sleeping peacefully. The bags under his eyes had just about vanished, and I felt better as well.

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