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By the end of class, I felt stressed out and distracted. Mikasa looked just ass distracted since I already dismissed the class and she was still sitting in her chair. She hadn't even heard me when I called her name the first few times. I tried one more time to get her attention, "Mikasa."

"Huh?" she said her head popping up to look at mine.

"Class is dismissed."

She looked around with a blank face, "oh," she said before standing up. She just stood there for a minute before turning to me with a face of mild panic. "Our meeting is in 30 minutes."

"I know," I sighed, "believe me I've been stressing about it all day." I sighed before grabbing my laptop. "Now I have to go deal with the meetings, see you both in there."

She walked out with me and I locked up my room and headed to the math room since that was the class we were having these in since it as the biggest room with the most chairs. When I walked in there was already a few parents and guardians starting their meetings. All of the teachers were already lined up against the wall just talking. They were waiting for kids to stop talking or look over so they could go over and introduce themselves.

We always stuck to the same order. Usually, it was the order in which we were standing the first person would go and as they were walking back the next person would approach. We were told to keep track where the person in front of us went because we would always go in the same order. Lastly, Erwin would come over and close out the meeting.

We all had clipboards that we carried with us with the names of everyone for the day. We would mark them off as we would check in with them and their parents so no one would forget. There was also a separate section next to the kids' name where you would mark if a parent wanted to set up a longer meeting about their kids. We rarely had to check this box since all of our students were seniors. The previous years already had their meetings the weeks before. However, I was the one to usually get the most of these meetings. Probably, since I'm mostly honest about the kids' behavior in class when asked.

I walked over and leaned up against the wall in the same place I always did next to Erwin. I was the last teacher, always. Usually, because I had a tendency to be honest about the kids' behavior in class. If they were an asshole in class then I tell their parents exactly what they did. However, I could tell a lot by how the parent is sitting and usually if I sense something is off and maybe their home life isn't the greatest then I might bend the truth. I even have written on my whiteboard to come talk to me if you absolutely need me to lie in these meetings. I understand not every parent is loving and well-meaning, but I usually have to interrogate a little to see who is lying and who isn't.

Erwin told me I always needed to be at the end since parents usually remember the last things said to them, so if some students are actually having troublesome times and their parents need to hear how good they are doing then that is what I'm at the end for. However, I was also put at the end for when I do rip into students that are slacking just for the sake of it so Erwin could minimize the damages.

"Have you seen Hanji?" he asked looking at the doorway with already confused parents standing there.

"No, she's probably dealing with a kid right now," I shrugged.

"Are you okay you look... nervous?" He sounded really confused.

"I'm not nervous," I rolled my eyes and made sure to straighten myself out. "I just hate people, especially parents who think their kids can do no wrong."

"You have a point there," Erwin smiled before mumbling, "they can be a pain."

We turned our heads towards the door when we saw Hanji come in out of breath and she immediately looked at us with an "oh my god" kind of eye roll. Probably since a student came in with a stupid excuse of why they have to go home and tragically can't make his meeting and that she has to tell their parent that. It happens every year several different times. She started helping people get where they needed to be whether it was to open tables or to point them in the direction of their kid who was trying to make a break for it.

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