Top or Bottom

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When we hit the bed we were left with only our boxers on. Levi was sitting on my lap grinding his hips into my growing erection. He leaned down next to my ear and whispered, "top or bottom?" before nibbling at my earlobe.

Before I could even properly think I moaned out "bottom," god that was such a lewd moan and all he did was nibble on my ear, do I have no control? I mean not that I have any trouble giving up control to him.

"You sure?"

"Yes, it was so good last time. Just have your way with me," I said moving my hips so our erections rubbed up against each other causing friction between us. Well, that and I'm not nearly as experienced as a top as he seems to be. I don't really know what to do when it comes to topping I've only ever done it once.

"I like the sound of that," he said leaving kisses down the side of my neck. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

Before even going anywhere near my boxers he made sure to ask me if it was okay to continue and he even apologized for not asking sooner.

"God I love you," I said with a nod before pulling him into a kiss. I felt his lips smile against mine. Despite the passion between us his kisses were gentle and his lips soft.

I melted into his touch. He moved down to my neck again but this time he didn't stop there. He trailed down to where his hands were sliding my boxers down ever so gracefully.

"Wait" I felt myself say after he pulled my boxers off. He immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Its okay if you want to stop-" he started to say and I cut him off.

"No not that," I smiled, " I was just thinking maybe this time I can give you a blow job?"

His eyes widened a little, "oh" he said a little caught off guard before a smile slipped onto his face. "Only if you want to."

"I will give you a disclaimer, I'm probably not as good as you," I shrugged.

"That's fine," he rolled his eyes "you really think I care about that? I'm just happy to be with you," his hand came up and his fingers ran through my hair before he pulled me into another gentle kiss.

We got into a more comfortable position. Levi was sitting up while I was laying next to him. Normally I'd lay the other way but he insisted that I lay this way so he can start prepping me. Just the thought made me grind my hips. God, I'm too horny for this.

I pulled his boxers down and immediately regretted my decision. I forgot how big he was, there's no way I can blow him I might choke to death. "You don't have to," he laughed seeing the shocked look on my face.

"No, I want to I just forgot how huge you were," I said taking a few breaths before finally leaning my head down and licking down his member. I made my way back up to the head before finally taking him in my mouth. He was pretty big, but I could still breath through my nose, well at least at the beginning. I took more of him going deeper and the farther I went down at him the harder it was to breathe, but I made it work.

I was pretty much trying to focus on what I was doing. I heard Levi said, "I don't know what you were talking about you're pretty good at this," he said in a very breathy voice. I didn't see what he was doing, I didn't even hear him grab the lube or pore it into his hand. I only realized when his fingers were rubbing at my entrance. "Is it okay to continue? He asked making sure I heard him.

I gave him a hum of approval and that seemed to send a chill up his spine. I hit some sort of nerve. His head went back and as hard as he seemed to try holding back his voice a moan seemed to slip out. When he managed to compose himself I felt one of his fingers slide in and decided that if humming the first time worked so well maybe doing it again would be a good idea.

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