The L Word

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After I finished telling Mikasa about my date we headed back to my apartment. When we got home I had to just stop myself from collapsing on the couch. Instead, I headed straight into the kitchen to make dinner for us. My back was still sore not only from last night's activities but from sleeping on the couch the way I did. I also had a kink in my neck now.

"Hope you're hungry," I said as I started to pull out some food to whip up something.

"Definitely hungry I haven't eaten since school," She said making her way into the kitchen. "You need any help?"

"Nope I've got it," I said before thinking, "actually you can do something if you want to.

"What would that be?"

"Tell me how your day was," I smiled. I was half falling asleep where I stood I needed her to keep me awake.

"Okay?" she seemed really confused by how I asked but she went along with it anyway. "Well, it was a pretty boring day aside from lunch. Some kids started a food fight and like 20 students got detention." She laughed.

"You weren't one of them right?"

"Nope, Armin was though. Only because he got hit in the face twice by Connie and finally decided to retaliate. If he would have waited just 5 more seconds he would have been fine." She laughed.

"Anyone throw food at you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope, they didn't even dare look at me because they knew I would throw my whole tray back at them." She smiled.

"We taught you well," I laughed. "Anything else happen?"

"Well, my English teacher, Mr. Ackerman, did pull me aside after class."

"Were you trouble?"

"No, he just wanted to see how I was doing or if I needed more time on assignments. He even told me if I needed help to go to him."

"That's nice of him."

"Yeah, he's always been really nice to students, even though most people hardly notice since he's one of the strict teachers. He's actually the only one who asked if I needed any extra time, or who actually gave me extra time at all," she said. It looked like she was thinking of something.

"He sounds like a good teacher."

"Yeah, but no one else really likes him."

"What why?"

"Because he's strict and he tries really hard, harder than most teachers, to get kids to finish their homework."

"So you mean they hate him because he's a good teacher?"

"Pretty much. He's one of my favorite teachers though." She smiled.

"Well, when's the next parent-teacher conference? I'd like to meet him he sounds like he really cares about his students." I asked.

"I think it's in like a month or so," she shrugged. "I'll check out the calendar later."

I finished cooking and we sat down to eat. After dinner, we sat down and watched a movie before I finally called it quits and headed to bed. My phone buzzed right as I was crawling into bed. I checked it and I was glad I did.

"Are you free tomorrow night?" Levi had asked.

I typed back a quick response. "Only if you are."

"How would you like to have another movie night?"

"I'd love that," I texted back. Tomorrow was Friday night. Mikasa usually stays at a friends house, and I know neither of us has work on Saturday meaning we could stay up a little longer.

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