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By the time I got to dad's Mikasa was just walking up to the house. We both went in and she grabbed some stuff to bring over. Little by little we were moving her stuff. The more we did this the more and more she was finally willing to take. I think she was starting to realize that she can't keep everything here forever. Before we left we had gone through some more of the contents of the house. Mikasa was more open to getting rid of some things today. With time comes progress.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said after finishing her bag to take to my house.

"You got everything, toothbrush, hairbrush, what about socks?" I asked walking in her room to help her grab some of the bags we were taking over that didn't contain her stuff for tonight and school tomorrow.

"Yes," she groaned and rolled her eyes.

"I was just checking no need for the attitude," I joke as we take her stuff out to the car.

"Yeah checking for the 5th time," she laughed.

"Okay, it's better to be a little annoying and prepared than me being quiet and then we have to drive to the store in the middle of the night to get a toothbrush," I raised my eyebrow with a smug grin.

"That was one time!"

"Three times actually."

"Why did you keep count?" She groaned.

"So I could throw it back in your face," I laughed as I loaded the stuff into my car. We got in and headed to my apartment. Mikasa hooked her music up to my car and we sang horribly along as we made our way home. Well, I sang horribly, Mikasa is actually pretty good.

We got home and collapsed on the couch. "So how was your date last night," she asked and I felt my cheeks heat up remembering the kiss.

"It was amazing," I said holding my tongue. I didn't want to just start blubbering about my day unless she wanted to hear it.

"Well, are you going to tell me about it or what?" There it goes.

"Well if you insist," I said turning towards her and pulling my legs up on the couch. "So we started off going to dinner and we had the time of our lives so much so we didn't want to date to end there so we-."

"Wait a minute, please know I don't want to know about anything sexual," she cut me off.

"It's not, I promise," I laughed before clearing my throat. "So we didn't want the date to end and I asked if he wanted to catch a movie so we caught a movie. He held my hand the whole show and I swear I couldn't focus on the movie because he's just so great."

"Wow so you didn't even get a kiss," she laughed.

"Yes, I did. I dropped him off at home, but before he got out of the car he kissed me," I said and she gave me a smile.

"Nice," she smiled back, "I'm glad you're more of a gentleman because anyone else would be in the bedroom rather than in a movie theater. It's nice to show you care about a person and who they are rather than how they are in bed."

"Did I ever tell you that you're the best sister anyone could have?"

"Damn right I am," she laughed.

"Anyway's how was school?" I asked waiting to hear from her.

After she told me a little about her day. She told me how her English teacher was being really nice and let them all study rather than assigning more work. She told me about how she forgot her lunch at home this morning and then she paused before looking up at me.

"Actually, do you have any food? I'm starving." She got up and walked over to the fridge.

"How about we go out to eat?" I asked remembering we were supposed to talk about my feelings. Anything to get out of that.

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