Date Night

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When I woke up this morning I couldn't get that stupid thought out of my head. Eren had to be over 18 right? God if he's not I might as well shoot myself then and there.

I was so distracted I didn't even hear Hanji walking out of the room behind me. She threw her hands around me and laid her head on my shoulder. "You look stressed. What's wrong?" God, I forgot how clingy she is when she wakes up.

"Just thinking."


"How I have to go back to work in 2 days. It's not enough time," I sighed before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast. Sometimes she can be so nosy.

"You say that, but I know you love being a teacher," she said with a cheerful tone before setting out plates and silverware for breakfast. She's right of course but I just stay quiet. My mind is too distracted to argue with her. After breakfast, Hanji went home leaving me alone with my thoughts. These next few hours were going to take forever. I killed time cleaning up the house even though it was already spotless.

When it was time to leave I took a deep breath and headed on my way I texted Eren when I got there. He was still 3 minutes away. Well, at least he's punctual. I'm always early usually waiting for my late ass date. Looks like this time I won't be waiting long. I thought those three minutes would be longer than 3 minutes. However there he is walking through the door at the time he said.

I called him over and I greeted him with a handshake before offering to order our coffee. After he awkwardly stammered out his order I walked over and got the coffee. When I sat back down I made sure to keep my composure, he, on the other hand, was nervously fidgeting and practically shaking. God, I knew he was awkward but damn.

"You're not a killer are you?" he blurted out before slapping a hand over his mouth. "I'm sorry that just slipped out, I was talking with my friend and he filled my head with a bunch of-," I couldn't hold it in any longer. I busted out into laughter and his rambling stopped dead.

"No I'm not a killer," I finally said when I was able to catch my breath.

"Oh thank god," he let out a sigh of relief.

"Why did you think I was a killer?" I know he said something about his friend but come on there has to be more too it.

"Well, because you asked my awkward ass out on a date," he laughed, "my friend thought that was weird.

"Maybe I thought your awkward ass was cute," his face flushed. "Now, I have a question for you? How old are you?" I asked finally.

"I'm 21."

Oh god, well at least he's over 18, and he can drink so there's a plus. Not that bad. "Okay cool," I think he could tell I was a little worried for his answer. If he was younger than 18 I would have just gotten up and left right then and there.

"Why how old are you?" There it is.

"I'm 24," I mumbled. Wait for it wait for it and-.

"You're 24? You look 19!" his jaw practically dropped.

"Yeah, so I've been told," it's not like I don't hear that every day. "So where do you work?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee hoping to change the subject.

"I work as a receptionist," he shrugged. "Not all that special. How about you where do you work?"

"I'm an English teacher," I shrugged. God the last thing I want to think about is those snot nose brats.

"Oh that's so cool," he sounded genuine.

I just laughed, "not if you meet my students," I shrugged.

"That bad?"

"Some. Some students you swear they have nothing but air in their skulls. Others aren't so bad."

"Still sounds better than sitting at a desk all day talking to people you don't know. If you thought I was awkward flirting with you, you should see me at work," he said with a smile.

"Hold up, flirting with me? That's what you call that disaster," I couldn't help but laugh in his face a little. "It was cute seeing you try I'll give you that," his face turned a little red from embarrassment but he seemed okay. I sometimes can take things a little too far and hurt people's feelings. He didn't seem hurt, he just shrugged it off and retorted.

"Well, it worked, didn't it? Here we are sitting across from each other on a date. So I did something right."He gave a smug smile.

"You're a cocky little shit aren't ya, I like it," I flashed him a smile. Usually, when I insult people joking or not they don't retort, well except for Hanji. He's a keeper that's for sure.

The rest of the date went smoothly and we agreed to meet for dinner tomorrow night. We spent the whole date getting to know each other. I felt like I learned a lot from Eren. After the first 5 minutes, his awkwardness faded away and he seemed a little more comfortable being around me. What a shame, he looked so cute when he fidgeted with his hands. I know one thing for sure. I can't wait for our date tomorrow.

I can't believe I started the date by asking him if he was a killer. I'm just glad it all worked out in the end. We have a date tomorrow and I honestly can't wait. I thought he was younger than me, but it turns out he's 3 years older than me, like damn.

I just thought he was attractive but I'm falling for him the more I learn about him. He isn't easy to read at first. We all have our walls, but he has some pretty high ones. When he would get excited you could see him drop his walls and talk a little more freely.

When I asked him if he's read any good books I watched his face light up. He rambled on for a few minutes before realizing he was rambling. I would have let him go on for hours if he wanted too seeing the way his smile played on his lips. How his eyes lit up as he talked. How involved he was in his explanation. God, we've been on one date and I've already fallen for him... Hard.

Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough. After my date, I headed home and waited for Mikasa to call and tell me that she was ready to be picked up. It didn't take long. I think the only reason that she went was because her friend wanted to make sure she was okay. That Armin kid is so caring and he looks after Mikasa when I can't. Maybe she'll open up to him and get some of this grief off her shoulders.

When I picked her up her eyes were read and I could tell she had been crying. When I asked her if she was okay she told me that she and Armin had been talking about dad. She said that they were talking about all her good memories. She said it made her feel better but it was still sad to talk about.

I'm just glad she's doing better because even though she might have been crying this was the first time I've seen a genuine smile on her face since the day he died.

She came to my house tonight. She didn't really want to be alone tonight. I couldn't blame her I didn't want to be alone either let alone her be alone. She told me she would go back to dads tomorrow. I just nodded along. I didn't want to be selfish and tell her to stay with me I knew she needed to go back to the house. She still had more healing to do. My healing can wait.

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