Knock Knock

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He opened the door and I recognized the voice instantly. "Hello sir I'm here to talk to you about our Lord-" Levi cut off the preacher that comes here practically every other day. When he comes if you turn him away he'll come back not even an hour later. One time he was really persistent and came knocking at my door 5 times in the span of a little under two hours.

"Hey man can you make this quick I was in the process of fucking my boyfriend," Levi said with a bored and annoyed tone and I had to throw my hands over my mouth to stop myself from busting up in laughter.

"Son you need Jesus, here take this pamphlet to our local church so he can-" Levi cut him off again.

"Look, man, no disrespect but I'm not a church kinda guy. I do want to say, however, that it is rude to force your way into a building where someone is supposed to buzz you in for access and then harass people about what they should believe and not believe. Now if u excuse me I've got to get back to my boyfriend. Thank you good day." And with that, he closed the door.

"Damn babe, that was hot," I mumbled watching him walk back over to me.

"Me telling people off turns you on?"

"Apparently," I laughed. "Too bad it won't do much. He'll be back. Whether it's today or tomorrow or two days from now he'll be back."

"How do you know?"

"Because he's a persistent son of a bitch. One time he came back so many times and I even threatened to call the police on him. He was back the next day." I rolled my eyes. Have to give him some credit he's definitely got some balls that's for sure."

"Well next time I'm over if he comes we'll just fuck and be really loud maybe then he'll get the hint." He suggested.

"You just want an excuse to fuck." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah and make an obnoxious preacher's head roll." He let out a devious laugh.

"Of course, that's always a plus."

I finished cooking and we sat down for a lovely dinner. But we made sure to go back to our little question game.

"Whose turn was it?" I asked.

"I think it's mine," He answered as we made our plates. I just nodded and he continued with his question. "What was your best memory from high school?"

"Wow, always asking those thought-provoking questions," I laughed before taking a moment to think. "It was when my best friend Jean asked his boyfriend Marco to prom. He had me help him and the smile on everyone's faces made me so happy. I can remember every detail about that day and how happy Jean was and I don't know it just makes me so happy remembering that." He might think it's a little weird that my happiest memory is someone else's happy memory, but my high school days weren't really eventful. "I know that's weird."

"It's not weird it's lovely," he smiled. "It says a lot about you and how compassionate you are. Other's happiness make you happy right?"


"See that's not weird, that's nice. It shows you really care about people and how they feel."

I couldn't help but smile. Normally people think it's weird that I'm happy just by making other people happy, but not Levi. Then again I guess anything I heard from my past relationships should be discarded from my memory since they were all horrible people.

"My turn," I said thinking about my next question. "This questions a little different," I said going out on a limb. "It's about the future rather than the past," I said looking towards the ground hoping this won't scare him away. I know it's way too soon to be asking any of this, but I want to know.

"Go ahead." He nodded he sounded a little excited about the question but I was too scared to look up at his face.

"What are your thoughts on kids?" I asked and heard my own voice shake while asking it.

"Well, in general, I love kids, but I'm pretty sure you're asking if I would ever be interested in adopting?" He asked clarifying. I just nodded not looking up from my plate as my fork played with some of my food. "Well, I'd love to adopt kids in the future."

I tore my eyes away from my plate and looked up at him with a small smile. "You would?"

"Yup." He smiled, "I became a teacher because I love the kids, despite some of the stupid shit they do, however, it does keep my job interesting." He laughed. "What do you think."

"Well, I like your answer if that answers that," I smiled and he just smiled back.

"That definitely does answer that. Well, now I have a question about the future about you." I nodded and he continued on. Unlike me, he didn't look away but kept his eyes on me reading my expressions.

"How do you feel about marriage?" He asked his expression was soft and he looked genuinely curious.

I just froze for a moment. "Well, I never thought marriage was for me, but I'm going, to be honest. With you, I can actually picture myself getting married which I've never been able to do before." I stopped myself before I could ramble on and just looked at him trying to see if I overstepped a boundary with being so open about this so early in the relationship. I didn't want to scare him away.

"Really?" Now he was the one who seemed shocked about the answer I gave.

"Yeah. is that okay?" I asked quietly.

"Of course, I was just wondering where you stood. Now that I've heard your answer I'm actually really happy," he said placing his hand on mine.

We finished eating and we continued on with our questions, however, we kept the questions milder after that making sure not to make them to heavy.

We were just finishing up our dinner and it had been a little over 20 minutes since the first knock on the door and there was already another one. "God you were right he is persistent," Levi rolled his eyes as I picked up our plates to wash them.

"That's all you babe," I laughed as I headed over to the sink as he walked back to the door he opened it.

"Hey I-," he stopped talking rather quickly and I was starting to wonder what was happening.

I walked over right as I heard the voice beyond the door. "Mr. Ackerman? What are you doing in my brother's apartment... With your shirt off." I heard Mikasa say.

Wait a minute. Mr. Ackerman... Oh shit.

Levi just turned to me and looked paler than usual. "You're her brother?" He asked his eyes wide.

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