Painful Text

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I didn't want to go home, but I knew Mikasa would be coming over tonight. Levi and I had spent the day together just lounging around the house. I found out that we are both really cuddly people. We laid in the bed for another hour after Levi's friend left.

Speaking of I still can't get over that it was hilarious and awkward. She seems like a nice person, but I wish I could have met her under different circumstances.

Afterward, we made some food. I helped him cook and we sat down for a peaceful brunch. After we ate we just chilled on the couch and talked cuddled up against each other. I got a text from Mikasa she was just getting back from her friend's house and was heading back to dad's. However, she asked if she could come over to my house. I could tell by the way she was texting she felt bad about yesterday and how our discussion went.

I let out a sigh and told Levi I had to head home. His arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. He rested his chin on my shoulder before placing kisses on my neck. "So soon?" he asked and I could hear the pout in his voice.

"I'm sorry hun, but I have to pick up my sister," I said as he started to kiss at my neck.

HIs lips were so soft on my skin and I even leaned my head over so he could continue. Right as I was really starting to feel it he stopped. "Well, I mean if you have to."

"That was cruel," I said with a pout.

"I know but I couldn't help it," he laughed. "To be continued next time," he said before we got up. He helped me grab my stuff and walked me out to the car.

"Next time we should meet at your place."

I thought about it for a minute and just nodded. "I'll just have to make sure my sister isn't over. If she goes over to her friend's house tomorrow then we can try then?" I suggested. I would just have to make sure Levi's gone before she comes back. I don't want her to meet him yet since she seems a little bias towards him already. She seems to think that all my relationships are going to end horribly.

"Well, I'm definitely free tomorrow as long as I'm back by latest 9 so I can finish grading papers." He shrugged.

"Alright, I'll try and convince her to go to a friend's tomorrow," I said before leaning in and giving him a peck on the lips. The kiss quickly turned passionate before we finally pulled away.

"To be continued," he smiled and I couldn't help but wish I could stay with him tonight. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I couldn't stay.

"To be continued," I smiled back.

I watched as he got back to his door before driving away. "Tomorrow," I whispered with a smile. I've got it bad it's only been 5 minutes but I already miss him.

I made it to my dad's house and Mikasa hadn't even bothered to go inside. She was sitting on the porch waiting for me since I told her I'd be right over. I pulled up and she jumped in my car.

"You didn't go in today?" I asked as I started driving away.

"No, it's getting harder and harder to go in there," she sighed. I didn't push any further. I knew what she meant. It was weird being there and not seeing dad in his chair or anything that was a tell-tale sign that he was home. The house was getting emptier and emptier and it was harder to be there.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to bring all of that back up," I heard her mumbled. She looked so upset.

"Hey it's fine, I know you were trying to look out for me."

"I just want you to be happy," she whispered.

"I am happy," I said back. "Because of you. Since you made me break up with him things have improved. You helped me come back from one of my lowest points and because of you, I am actually happy in a relationship. I have a friend who will always have my back because you helped me make up with him. You are the reason I'm happy." I watched as her worry and sadness changed into a smile.

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