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My eyes fluttered open to the unfamiliar surroundings. Where was I? Why was it dark? Why am I sleeping under the table? I sat up and remembered the events of last night. Oh yeah, the fort. It was actually pretty comfortable and I don't seem to have any back pain. Well... Extra back pain. There's still some from when Levi fucked me last night. I'm sure I did a number on his back too.

I looked next to me where Levi was laying there awake. He gave me a smile. "How long have you been up?"

"A few minutes," he shrugged and sat up wincing a little. Guess his back was sore.

We made our way out of the fort and I saw Levi freeze in his place. "What's wrong?"

He just gave a guilty smile, "hey Mikasa," he said and I whipped my head around.

Sure enough, she was sitting on the counter eating a bowl of cereal. "Morning," she said with a raised eyebrow. "A fort?" she questioned with a lot of sass.

"Yeah? Is that a problem?"

"Nope, whatever floats your boat." She said with a laugh. "Just please wash any, um, contaminated items," her tone sounded so disgusted.

"We didn't do it in the fort!" I blurted out realizing what she meant.

"Thank god," she looked relieved. "I would never be able to use any of those blankets again.

She looked us up and down and just closed her eyes and turned her head back down to look at her cereal and her cereal only. I looked down at myself and at Levi. We were covered in hickeys with no shirts to hide them. Oh. I lead him into my room and we threw on some shirts before coming back out into the living room.

I came back out and Levi and I decided cereal would probably be best. "So how was your night?" I asked and Mikasa just gave a shrug.

"Pretty normal. Just had a movie night and played some video games." She said before looking to the both of us with a glare, "I guess I already know how your night went."

"Yeah we made a fort and played some board games," I said ignoring what she was obviously talking about.

"Of course," she rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"Well, what are you doing home so early? You usually spend more time at his house?"

"I'm heading back to Armin's later today, but he had a dentist appointment in the morning so he's going to pick me up on the way back from it." She said explained.

"Oh." I did remember her mentioning that yesterday when I dropped her off.

"Well, what's your plan for the day," she said looking to both of us.

I looked at Levi who shrugged. "At some point, I need to stop by Hanji's house and face my death," Levi said with a straight face.

"Oh no, what did you do to anger her?" Mikasa asked she looked genuinely worried.

Did everyone but me know how scary she supposedly is when angry? I guess it's just something you know if you go to that school.

"She lied to her girlfriend to save my ass." He sighed.

"You mean the girlfriend that she is constantly talking about who she loves so much and has a million pictures in her office of? That girlfriend?" she asked with a worried look.

"Yeah, that girlfriend."

Mikasa just stared at him for a minute. "You're fucked. I'll see you at your funeral." She said before taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Much appreciated." He smiled.

I just sat there feeling a little left out, but then again I didn't mind. It was nice to see them getting along so well. Even if they were talking about his inevitable death, as he called it.

"What about you?" she asked looking to me.

"Well, I was planning on stopping by dad's house to pick up just a few more things."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Levi asked with a lot of concern in his voice.

I knew he was thinking of those messages my ex had sent me, but I wasn't as worried anymore since in his text he said he found out I was selling the house which means I was no longer coming back there. He never was the type to have any patience so waiting outside all day every day for hours on end doesn't sound like something he'd do. Then again, he never really was one to take no for an answer either.

"I think I'll be okay, besides I'll only be there for a few minutes, and I'll lock the door while I'm inside."

"Okay." He said still a little nervous, "my phone will be on call if you need anything," he said placing his hand on mine.

I grabbed his hand bringing it up to my face and placed a little kiss on the top of it. "Thank you, babe," I said giving him a smile.

Mikasa just rolled her eyes and continued eating muttering something about how gross we are. I didn't really pay her any attention though. We finished with breakfast and all got ready for the day. Levi headed out giving me a kiss before he left.

He was heading home to shower because as he said, he wanted to be clean when they find his body. I still couldn't tell if he was joking or not he did it with such a serious face, so did Mikasa which was strange since usually I'm able to tell when she's joking. I shrugged it off and headed out.

I headed to dad's house with music blasting trying to distract myself from the somber feeling that this just might be one of the last time I go in that house to collect stuff rather than throw stuff out and do repairs. This is the last time Dad's stuff will be in its original spot. There were only a few things left to pack up to get thrown out, but there were also the most painful memories I safe for last to collect.

I saved the most painful for last since I hadn't been able to bring myself to disturb these items until now. I finally feel ready to move them. Stuff like pictures and other memories such as mom's wedding ring which sat next to our family photo in Dad's room. His wedding ring was right there next to hers now. Since I set it there I hadn't been able to even look at the dresser let alone disturb it.

Dad never took his wedding ring off after mom died he wore it every day and refused to ever date again. It only felt right to put his next to hers after he passed.

When I got to the house I pulled up to the driveway and took a few deep breaths as I siked myself up to go in the house. I was packing up and taking everything. The last few boxes of throw away and the last few boxes of keep. I had to take a few deep breaths and calm my mind to stop myself from just turning around and going home.

I took a final deep breath and got out of my car. I slowly walked up to the front door dragging my feet as I did. When I finally got to the door My hands were almost too shaky to unlock the door. When I finally got the key in the door I turned it. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

As much as everything outside felt to happen in slow motion the second the door opened it hit me all at once. The sadness, the anger, the memories, the thoughts that came with them. Dad was really gone, it isn't fair he should still be here, he used to sit right there in his chair that's no longer here as we walked out every morning he would greet us with a good morning, or a have a good day kiddo.

I felt tears rush to my eyes just thinking that those memories are all I have left. That's all they are, memories, they will never happen again. I just kneeled down right there in the doorway. Reduced to nothing but tears and misery.

This was the real reason I wanted to go alone. Not for the fact that I didn't think my ex would show up. I mean, I doubt he will, but I would rather go alone than have someone come with me and see me so broken. I couldn't even make it past the door without breaking down. 

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