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I got home and did some nervous cleaning before hearing my phone ring. It was Eren. I picked it up and answered, "hey babe."

"Gross," shit, not Eren. "It's Mikasa." now I had the urge to ram my head through the wall. "Eren had his hands full, and told me to call," she explained. "I suggested dinner and he agreed."

"That's cool, when should I head over?"

"Whenever you want. Eren's cooking right now. Also, it seems he's been stressing to because man does he look horrible."

I heard a faint "hey!" in the background and couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Anyway, Imma hang up now I have to give my brother shit about the hey babe thing," she laughed before hanging up.

Well, guess I' going over to Eren's, but first I have to look at least a little better than I did throughout the day. I got dressed in evening appropriate attire making sure my close were neat before heading into the kitchen. I opened the door and grabbed an ice pack out of the fridge pressing it against my face and around my eyes. I had been tiredly rubbing at my eyes all day and they were red. I hoped the ice pack would get some of the redness to go away.

After talking back in the bathroom to look in the mirror I was right the redness did go away, but the bags did not. I let out a sigh and silently cursed myself for not asking Hanji to borrow some of that concealer. Oh well, Mikasa said Eren looked bad too. Maybe we'll match.

I let out a defeated sigh before heading out to my car. Of course, now that I didn't want any traffic on my route there were cars all over the road and none of them seemed to know how to drive. I finally managed to get to Eren's apartment. I was surprised Eren hadn't called me and asked if I was coming or not. I felt like hours had passed, but when I did end up pulling my phone out to check it I realized that it had only been 30 minutes. Oh.

I got out of the car and headed up to the apartment. I took a breath and knocked on the door. The door swung open, "for the last time I-" Eren paused before smiling- "oh hey Levi. Sorry about that crazy preacher guy has been really persistent today," he sighed.

"Ah, makes sense," I laughed and he let me in, but not before poking his head out and double checking the hallway.

"How many times has he knocked today?"

"Eleven," Mikasa said coming out of her room.

"Yeah, I think you really pissed him off yesterday," Eren laughed.

"If he comes back I'll do it again."

"Please, maybe he'll leave us alone for the night." Eren practically begged.

We've tried ignoring him, but If we don't answer then he pounds on the door even louder and louder." Mikasa said collapsing back on the couch.

"He does?" I asked turning to Eren who looked stressed and shaky. He told me how he doesn't like loud noises since his ex used to scream and slam doors and such. I could only imagine how he must be feeling now.

Eren just nodded, "I should probably get back to cooking," he excused himself and I let him go. I, on the other hand, grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to the door. I sat down and waited pulling my phone out and opening it to my camera my thumb hovering over the record button.

Mikasa gave me a strange look at first, but then she noticed how angry I looked before walking over to me. "What are you doing?"

"Well, you guys think he's coming back?"

"I know he is," Eren said with his back facing us. "He told us he wouldn't stop coming back until we stopped sinning."

"Good," I said and that's what got Eren to turn around. "If he comes back one more time, then I'm sure we won't have to deal with him anymore."

Mikasa took one look at my phone and knew what I was thinking. She just nodded before sitting next to me on the floor pulling out her phone and doing the same thing.

"The more sources the better," she smiled repeating my words from class back to me.

"Always." I nodded.

Eren just shrugged and turned back around. Ten minutes had gone by and Eren had just about finished cooking when I heard footsteps stomping down the hall. I looked to Mikasa and she nodded. We both clicked record as there was a knock on the door. We stayed quiet and waited. The knocking got louder until the man was pounding on it so hard that the door was shaking.

I looked over and saw Eren holding it together the best he could, but he had stopped with what he was doing and he looked even shakier than before. I set my phone on the chair so it could keep recording before walking over to Eren. "hey, it's going to be okay. Call the cops, tell them what's been going on." He nodded and picked up his phone to call them.

As he was on the phone with them I heard as the man started yelling gay slurs. "I know what you fags are doing in there. Your sinful nature will send you down the road of damnation. You'll burn in hell unless you listen to me." he started yelling louder and louder. Half of what he was saying had made no sense at all. "You better listen to me because I'm right and you know I'm right. You fags don't know what you're doing," he yelled louder than before.

Eren stayed on the phone walking closer towards the door and putting it on speaker so there could be more recorded evidence for when the cops arrive. After he yelled some more obscenities Eren took the phone off speaker so the operator didn't have to listen to him anymore.

Eren informed us that they dispatched an officer to take care of him. It didn't take long for them to get here. We really didn't even need to record the evidence sense not only did they catch him in the act, but it was also recorded in the call we made to the 911 dispatcher. It was still great to have extra evidence against him.

They told us that they would take him in for disturbing the peace and harassment. They also told us that we could get a restraining order against him with the evidence collected and they told us how. After the police left we all made our plates.

Eren was still a little shaken up, but he seemed to be doing much better now that the crazy preacher was arrested. "Okay, we need to talk," Mikasa finally said after we all sat down to eat.

"Agreed," Eren nodded.

"We need to make this-" she gestured to Eren and me- "more normal. With it being more normal maybe we won't all be so awkward throughout the day."

"How are we supposed to do that?" I asked.

"Well talking is always a good way to start," she suggested with a little shrug.

"What should we talk about first?" Eren asked looking at his sister.

"How about what to do if we get caught." She suggested.

"We tell the truth." I instantly said. "Lying is bad enough, but once you've been caught it's best not to dig the hole any deeper. We explain everything and hope for the best, it's all we can do at that point."

"But-," Mikasa went to speak, but Eren cut her off.

"No, he's right." Eren agreed, "it's best not to cause more trouble than needed."

"Okay, well at least we are on the same side about that." She nodded. "Now, I want to know exactly how you guys met," she said looking quite confused.

"Nope," Eren awkwardly shook his head. "That's not necessary."

"Really, cause I quite like the story," I cut in. "Both parts of it. The part where you decided to sing to me at a red light, and then when you ran into me at the store and yelled 'oh my god it's the hot guy from the car'." I laughed and Eren's face went red.

Mikasa just turned to Eren and laughed, "that sounds like you-" she rolled her eyes- "awkward as ever."

We continued with our small talk and I was getting more and more comfortable with the idea of it. I guess they were right. Becoming more familiar with everything really did help me to loosen up, and I could tell by how the other two work talking and acting that they had loosened up as well. Firstly Mikasa was actually looking at me again, secondly, she was actually smiling and laughing.

Hopefully tomorrow it will be easier to handle this secret now that we feel more comfortable with it... then again that's the key word isn't it... hopefully.

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