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After a while, his sobbing slowly died down and he just laid there peacefully in my lap. He was asleep. I could tell by how he was breathing. His muscles had relaxed and he looked peaceful...for now.

A little while later I heard the door open and looked up to see Mikasa walking in. Eren's face was red still and anyone could tell he had been crying. He still had some tear tracks on his skin. I could tell she knew something was wrong. Aside from seeing how he had been crying she could see he was injured. I don't know what injury she saw, but she definitely saw at least one.

She's quiet as she just stands there looking at us her expression is unreadable. She finally took a breath and walked up to us. Before sitting down on the other couch. "What happened," her voice was calm and cold. The look on her face seemed to suggest she already knew what was coming.

I told her what I knew and she just nodded before she got up grabbed the ice packs that were no longer cold and headed into the kitchen. She hand grabbed a new one and wrapped it in a towel before coming over and handing it to me. "Ice for 20 minutes then switch to a different area," she said before quietly heading into her room. She didn't seem too worried, but I knew she was just dealing with this in her own way.

When her door closed I knew I was right. I heard a loud bang. A sound I knew all too well, followed by a long string of curses. She had punched her wall. I wanted to go check on her, but I didn't want to disturb Eren. I just sat there and held him closer.

My eyes felt like they were glued shut for a moment. When I finally pried them open they still felt heavy and swollen and my face felt hot. I sat up and looked around the room. I was in Levi's arms still. I looked up and met his eyes.

"Feeling any better?" He asked and I just shrugged. I didn't really know how I felt about everything that happened, I still felt like shit, but that might be because I cried to the point I gave myself a headache wore myself out and made my eyes swell.

My eyes landed on a pair of shoes by the door. "Mikasa?"

"She's in her room." He answered.

"She knows, doesn't she."


I just took a deep breath. She was the last person I wanted to know. She would take it the hardest. She would beat herself up about this for some reason or another. This is one aspect where we are very similar. We both find ways to blame ourselves for problems out or our control. I know I need to sit down and talk to her, but I couldn't bring myself to have that discussion right now. Especially since I'm not even in an emotionally stable state myself so I don't know how I'd be able to talk to her with a convincing comforting attitude.

"What do you want to do?" Levi asked. It was clear he wanted to help but didn't know how.

I sat there for a minute thinking of how he can help, and how I had to help Mikasa. Well, I knew I had to be in the right frame of mind to talk to her, and I know what thing that helps to get people into the right frame of mind... no matter how much I hate it. I finally let out a sigh before looking up at him. "Do you mind if I just rant about what happened? I just need to get all these emotions off my chest."

He seemed a bit surprised, honestly same here. I surprised myself I knew I was going to say it, but I still didn't think those words would actually come out of my mouth.

"Of course, what are boyfriends for," he smiled. I made myself comfortable leaning up against him and I just felt as he wrapped his arms around me and lightly ran his fingers up and down my back in a comforting manner.

"Everything that happened today was just... I don't know. I never thought I'd actually see him again, but then he came out of nowhere. I knew he was an asshole, but I never realized how crazy he actually was. I never thought he could physically hurt me as much as he did. He tried to kill me!" I took a deep breath and tried to recompose myself. I wasn't sure if anything I was saying was making any sense.

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