It's a Date

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We cleaned up parts of the house slowly packing up dad's things. I let Mikasa choose what we gave away and what we kept. A few times she would point at some stuff and tell me we were giving away, but she asked if we could leave it there a little longer. I knew she wasn't ready to let go of him, and I didn't want to push her. Two days ago at the funeral, she was a mess. I swore if she cried any harder she would have blacked out. I mean hell, if I wasn't trying so hard to stay strong for her I would have been a sobbing mess too.

When it was starting to get late I told Mikasa I was heading home. I asked her if she wanted to come with, but I knew her answer before I asked.

"No, I'd like to stay here," she said without turning away from the chair dad spent his free time in.

"Okay, keep your phone on so I can check in. If you need anything call no matter the time my phone will be on okay?" I had to make sure she knew I was there for her. I would stay in the house with her if I didn't have work in the morning.

Unlike most people, I actually like my boss. She knew my situation and decided to give me the easiest shift there was. I worked as a receptionist at a physical therapy center. Mornings are usually the slowest shifts surprisingly. It only starts to pick up around noon. It was her way of keeping my income coming in without stressing me out with some of the harder shifts which she was covering now.

Note to self send her some flowers or something as a thank you, or maybe I can take her out to lunch again. Last time we went we had a lot of fun, even though she had to leave a little earlier than expected since her girlfriend's car broke down.

Once I was in my car I was almost home when I remembered that I barely had any food in the fridge and man was I hungry. I got in the turning lane and headed to the grocery store. I knew I was making a mistake, never go to the grocery store hungry.

I grabbed a cart and walked through the automatic doors. I went straight to the junk food at first to check and see if they had anything good. Nope, not even those cookies with the good frosting. Lame, I headed to the fruits and veggies section. Well, might as well check here for stuff right? Now that I'm going to be taking care of Mikasa I have to actually act like an adult rather than just eating cups of ramen for breakfast lunch and dinner.

After picking up some rabbit food, I mean veggies, I headed to the cooking utensils realizing I only really had one pan for cooking. Usually, I used it as a makeshift cereal bowl when I get lazy enough. Oh man, I'm actually going to have to buy more dishes and silverware too. I think I only have like 4 of everything, and with how much I hate doing the dishes I probably need to pick up more.

While I was grabbing some new silverware I notice a face that I couldn't quite place. He definitely looks famili- "oh my god it's the hot guy from the car."

He looked at me like I was crazy and oh shit, I said that out loud. I gave him an awkward smile. Way to go Eren now he probably thinks you're creepy. Shit, he's coming over.

"So you think I'm hot?" he asked with that smug ass grin, the same one he gave me as he drove off.

"What's that sound? Oh, it's just my heart stopping," I mumbled awkwardly not knowing what else to say.

"You're funny," his smile changed to a nicer one.

"Funny? Me? No, just socially awkward," I laughed before realizing he was actually flirting with me and I was looking more and more like an idiot. "I mean, hi," I said my voice shaking a little as my brain powered down.

"Hi," he responded back rolling his eyes, "name's Levi what's yours?"

"Name?" I asked. My mind hadn't fully processed what he had said.

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