Fun in the Dark

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Levi turned off the TV and the room went dark. I felt a hand take mine and lead me to a room I hadn't been in before. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine as his hands pulled me closer to him. Our bodies up against each other as we stumbled backward our lips still together. I was worried that we were going to trip since the room was still dark however we finally bumped into the bed. He pushed me onto it and straddled my lap as his lips collided with mine once again.

My mind had started to blur I couldn't even follow what was happening until he pulled his lips off mine. We caught our breath and he asked for permission to continue. I let out a breathy "hell yeah," as an answer and he seemed to like it.

I felt his hand slip under my shirt. His hands warm against my skin as he slid my shirt over my head. He tossed it aside and leaned down pressing his lips to mine as his fingers traced over my chest. I felt my own hands move up his back. His lips moved to my neck and I bit my lip to keep from letting out a weird noise.

He sat up and gave me a devious smile, "you can be as noisy as you want," he said when he noticed me biting my lip. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "scream my name," before nipping at my earlobe. I nearly squealed right there. God, he's so sexy.

His hands moved down towards my pants and l grabbed his hand and shook my head. "Your shirt first," I smiled innocently and he rolled his eyes before pulling his shirt over his head and oh my god. It was dark but I could still see his abs. To make sure my eyes aren't deceiving me I reached my hand out and my fingers traced over his body. Damn, he's hot as hell.

"Like what you see," Levi laughed probably seeing my star-struck gaze,

"Hell yes," I nodded before finally tearing my eyes away from his body and meeting his eyes.

He reconnected our lips and continued what he was doing. His hand going to the button on my jeans. This time I didn't stop him, though he did ask me if it was okay before pulling my pants off and once again I said yes. It's nice to see someone who cares a lot about consent, it's hard to come by that nowadays.

When my pants were off Levi let out a little whistle. "You're already so hard and I barely touched you," he bit his lip and I just gave an awkward shrug. "What do you prefer?" he asked and I froze.

"What do you mean?"

"Like top? Bottom? What do you prefer to be?" He asked again.

"Oh, I'm a vers," I shrugged and he laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I'm vers too," he smiled.

"Oh, do you have any preference?"

"Not really. You?"

"Nope," I laughed, "um rock paper scissors," I laughed. Why do I ever suggest anything it's usually horrible.

"Sure," he laughed putting his hands up.

Oh god, here we go. I couldn't keep a straight face, no pun intended, as we played a round of rock paper scissors to see who tops. I got scissors while he got a rock. "Looks like you're top," I laughed.

He just shrugged, "as long as that's okay with you?"

"Of course," I smiled. Besides I'd be a liar if I hadn't thought about throwing the game if I could.

"Alright then," he said before going over to his drawer and pulling out some lube and condoms, "I think we're going to need these," he said and I nodded. He set them on the bed and we continued with what we were previously doing.

Before Levi could continue undressing me I made a point of looping my fingers in his belt loops pulling him towards me. I pulled him in for a sweet and passionate kiss before whispering "Why don't we get these off?" To which he happily obeyed.

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