Movie Night

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It felt like Wednesday couldn't come soon enough, but at the same time when Wednesday came around, it came fast. I went to work and even though I felt like I was watching the clock the whole time the time still flew by.

Jean had walked out when there was an hour until my shift was over. "So you have a date tonight," he said with a mischievous smile. "Are you planning on getting some?"

"Jean," I rolled my eyes before looking at the empty room making sure no one had walked in as he was being unprofessional. "No, unlike you I'm planning on having a relaxing and fun date with the guy I like."

"Sex can be fun," he smiled.

"You know what I mean," I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to go into a date expecting sex, especially without knowing if he wants to do it or not."

"What I mean is, you don't have to expect it but you can still be hopeful about it. You get what I mean?" he asked.

"I get what you're saying, but it's just not me. I mean sex is okay, but it's more like if it happens it happens," I shrugged. "I've never been the one to hope sex comes out of anything. It's just a bonus when it does."

"Suit yourself, but I bet you guys have sex tonight," he shrugged.

"I don't know about that," I shook my head.

"Fine you tell me tomorrow what happens, and I'll know if your lying," he smiled. That is true he's always known if I was lying or not. Curse my ears getting red any time I lie.

"Fine your on," I took him up on the bet. A customer walked in and he went back to the back room as I checked them in.

When I finished work and made sure Mikasa got home from school okay I had told her about my plans for tonight. She had stayed at dad's house tonight. I finished grabbing some movies so we had some extra choices. After I grabbed what I needed I decided to pack some extra clothes and stuff. I had planned to go check on Mikasa tonight after my date, but if it was too late I might just stay at dad's tonight.

After I got everything together I headed out the door to pick up the take-out food for tonight. It didn't take long to pick up the food. I read the address Levi had texted me and started heading over.

It was actually closer than I thought it would be. When I pulled up it took me a moment to find the courage to get out of my car. Did I look okay? What if I screw this up? Before my thoughts could spiral anymore I decided it was best to take a breath and collect myself. I pulled out my phone and texted him that I was here and walked up to the door before I lost my nerve.

He opened the door and greeted me with a smile that made me forget all of my worries.

"I brought food and movies," I said holding up the bag of take-out in one hand and the movies in the other.

"Perfect," he said moving aside letting me in.

"I'll grab some plates from the kitchen you can set the food down on the coffee table and pick any movie you want I have some set out too," he said before vanishing into the kitchen.

After I set the food down I looked through all of the movies, but decided I wanted him to choose. I was too worried about picking the wrong one. What if I choose one he hated? I didn't want him to have to sit through it because I chose it.

"So which one did you pick?" his voice cut through my thoughts as he came in and set some plates and silverware in front of us.

"Actually, I want you to choose," I said giving him a big smile so he wouldn't see how worried I was about choosing.

"Alright then," he said sitting on the couch next to me. "Let's see," he said looking through the movies. "This is one of my favorite movies," he said picking one of the movies I had brought.

"Really? Mine too," I smiled. Honestly, it would have been the one I would have picked too.

He put the movie in and we got some food on our plates and settled into the couch. After a while, I was starting to realize that I wasn't the only one worried about this date. Every 5 to 10 minutes he would ask me I was too hot or too cold. I guess he shows his nerves in different ways than I do.

After we finished eating and the first movie ended we put the plates away. He quickly cleaned the dishes and told me to pick the next movie. I panicked and picked one of his movies. I had never heard of it before but the cover looked cool. He was back in the room rather quickly and I showed him the movie I had picked and he smiled.

"You like horror movies too?" he asked and I froze.

"Yup," I finally said with a nod. In all honesty, I did like horror movies, however, only when I could put the lights on and watch them alone in the middle of the day. I was the person who screamed, talked back, and hid under the covers. I've only ever watched horror movies with Jean and he laughed at me the whole time. This was going to be fun. I was so worried about fucking this up and what do you know I just did.

"That's great because horror movies are great," he said before putting the movie in.

We sat back down on the couch and I knew I was a goner the second the title screen popped up. This is what happens when I choose movies based on their cover art. I should have known by the title that this was horror.

The movie started and almost immediately I jumped nearly fully of the couch. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a smile. "Are you sure you want to watch this?" he asked.

I mean it really did look like a good movie, but I scare easily. I just nodded and by the time a jumpscare hit I nearly had a heart attack.

"We can shut it off you seem really scared?" he asked again.

"I like horror movies, I just am a wuss," I laughed awkwardly hoping that he wouldn't laugh at me. He actually never did.

He just gave me a smile. "That's okay, if you scoot closer to me I'll protect you," he said. It was kinda cheesy but man was I okay with that. I scooted closer and he wrapped his arm around me with one arm his other moved towards my hand and took mine in his. It took everything not to melt in his arms right there.

The next jumpscare didn't scare me since apparently, he knew when it was coming. Right as the jumpscare played he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"If that happens every jump scare I don't think I could ever be scared," I said before realizing I said that out loud.

"Deal," he smiled. Well saying it out loud worked in my favor I guess. He kept it up throughout the rest of the movie and by the time it finished I was wishing it didn't end.

"I wouldn't mind watching another horror movie," I said and he laughed.

"I like that idea, but I have one better," he smiled. This smile was different than his other smile. This one was devious with a sexy lip bite.

"I like your idea better," I said my cheeks reddening and my heart beating faster. Well, when I tell Mikasa about this date I'll be sure to leave the next activity out for sure. Not to mention Jean would totally say I told you so, but that I can worry about later.

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