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When I got to Eren's house I got out of the car and ran up to his apartment. I knocked on his door and the door opened hesitantly. When Eren saw it was me at the door his nervous expression turned into a smile and then into a laugh. He pulled me into a hug as he said, "I can't believe we did that."

"Me either," I said before pulling him into a kiss.

"I'm sorry," Eren said pulling away from the kiss. "You and Erwin looked like close friends and-."

I knew where he was going with this and I didn't want him to feel guilty. It was my choice to lie to him. "As much as I hate lying to Erwin you're worth it. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you."

"I love you too." I felt his lips back on mine.

"You guys are so sappy," I heard Mikasa say as she walked up to the door. She just stood in the doorway rolling her eyes. "Now are you two coming in or are you going to spend the rest of the night in the hallway?"

Eren just laughed before taking my hand and leading me into the apartment. I heard footsteps as we walked through the door the Baker's must be home. Their cookies were amazing Eren still had some left over.

We sat down on the couch to talk about what happened since we were all still getting over our anxiety that flooded us. Eren just looked energize whereas Mikasa and I looked exhausted. He must have had a really good nap earlier to look that rested.

"How are you? You looked so uncomfortable during the meeting?" I had to know if he was feeling okay or not. I know he was at least a little in pain, that is unless I imagined it.

"I'm feeling better now those chairs are really stiff," he laughed. "I should be completely fine in the next day or two. Well, that's what I'm hoping for."

"Good. I'm glad you're doing better," I said placing my hand on his.

I walked to my car and just sat there for 5, 10, 15 minutes. I just sat there and stared at the steering wheel. Today had been a long day. I headed home and decided to call Hanji to see if she was busy. She had answered almost instantly.

"Hey, Erwin!" She said happily on the other end of the phone. She was probably doing something with her girlfriend before I called with how loud she greeted me. Then again Hanji's always loud.

"Hey Hanji, Are you busy?"

"I mean I'll be free in 10 minutes, I'm just finishing up some grocery shopping," she said and I could tell she was lying. Especially since I could hear her giggling and shushing someone Yup definitely doing something with her girlfriend.

"It's okay if you're busy I'm just bored," I laughed.

"I'm almost done shopping what did you want to do?"

"Just thought we could all hang out?"


"Yeah, Levi too. Do you know if he's busy?"

"Um," she paused, "I actually don't know what his plans are tonight. He did look super tired earlier. He might have just went home and went to bed."

"Oh okay, I'm going to call him and see if he's up to meeting with us tonight if he says he's tired I won't push him though."

"Sounds like a plan. Text me the place and time I'll be there."

"Would your girlfriend like to come too?" I asked with a smile letting her know I knew.

"Shit." I heard her mumble. "I mean she's at work."

"Sure, she is." I laughed. 

"Even if she wasn't she would have plans with her friend and wouldn't be able to join," she muttered.

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