Bailout Text

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After Mikasa helped me pick out my clothes I hopped in the shower and got myself cleaned up before getting changed. When my hair dried she helped me manage it. Man, I didn't even know my hair could look this nice. Who knew you were supposed to brush it every day and not just once a week.

I looked in the mirror and didn't even recognize myself. Man do I clean up good. Levi will surely be impressed. After I was done looking in the mirror I made sure to thank Mikasa.

Before I took her home she asked me if she should text me and see if the date was going good or bad so she could send a bailout text. I told that I didn't think it was necessary but better safe than sorry.

Since we were meeting at 7:00 she would text me at 7:20 to see if I needed a reason to leave. She would send a message with something urgent. I would either message back with an urgent reply if I needed it or send her a thumbs up if I didn't. I told her that if an emergency happened while I wasn't there to call me and that's how I would know it's real. God, I love my sister. She made me attractive for once, and now she's looking out for me. Best sister ever that's for sure.

I dropped Mikasa off at dads and told her to call if she needed anything. When I was sure she was okay and had everything she needed for the night I started heading to the restaurant a few minutes earlier than I had planned to. I wanted to stop by later tonight and check in on her, but I didn't know how late I would be out so I made no promises to do so.

I decided to take an uber since I had used up most of my gas and didn't have time to hit a gas station. I arrived a few minutes earlier than Eren had planned, but as I was getting out of my uber I saw Eren walking up to the restaurant. At least I think that's Eren. I walked up and sure enough, it was him. "Hey there," I greeted walking up next to him.

"Oh hi," he smiled. I think I scared him a little since he jumped. His voice even had that awkward tone to it. God is he always going to be awkward around me.

"You look really nice," in more areas than one. HIs clothes matched and his hair looked brushed. His pants even hugged his ass nicely... Stop it, you're staring.

"Thanks my- um I uh, thanks. You-uh-you look great too," he stumbled as he spoke. I just gave him a smile as the host walked up and lead us to a table.

We sat down and I actually got to look around for a moment. This place is fancy, Eren must have put in a reservation especially with how packed this place is. He chose a great restaurant. I've heard a lot of good things about this place, but never actually had time to come and check it out for myself. It wasn't the type of place where you go alone, and I definitely wasn't going to go with Hanji and her girlfriend when they invited me. I don't like being a third wheel especially not in public.

We started off talking about our days. I told him I ran errands all day and he told me he just spent the day at home. Next, we continued learning more about each other. We asked the questions we never got to on the first date. Some were more personal and others were silly.

"I think we both looked at the same website for questions to ask on a date," Eren finally laughed when I asked a question he must have recognized.

"Guess so," I laughed. "We might as well play twenty questions," I mean it's practically what we are doing anyway.

"But more than twenty questions."

"Of course. You go first," I said and I watched him think really hard to try and remember a question.

I think he ended up panicking and saying the first thing that came to mind because he asked me, "favorite color?" and then proceeded to roll his eyes at his own words.

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