Fake It Till You Make It

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When I woke up in the morning a sense of dread filled me as I started getting ready for work. Not only do I have to see Mikasa in my class, but, I also had to see Hanji at lunch. I know she'll probably be giving me sass for the whole situation, but at least she has my back.

I got ready for work when I got a text from Eren. I picked up my phone and checked it. "Morning babe, have a good day at work. PS if my sister gives you shit let me know. Love you."

I just smiled and texted him back before heading on my way to work. His text made me feel a little better about the whole ordeal, however, there was still a pit in my stomach. I skipped breakfast knowing that it would make me feel even sicker.

I got in my car and started driving. Please let there be traffic today. Well, that's something I never thought I'd wish for. Something anything to delay me so that I don't have to go to work. But of course, all the streets were unnaturally clear. The one time I wish for traffic is the day where everyone decides to actually drive.

It's like the universe hates me. I find a good guy and he's my student's brother. I wish for traffic and the roads are clear for the first time ever. I can't eat because I feel too queasy and of course one of my favorite places to pick up lunch at is having a great deal. I rolled my eyes as I drove by. This sucks.

Maybe I shouldn't have told off that random preacher dude. Maybe he cursed me. Yeah, let's go with that. It's better than just admitting my life is a piece of shit. Get it together Levi. All you have to do is get there and make it through the day. Just act normal, breeze through the day, and go home. It can't be that hard.

I really need to stop thinking these things because of course I got to the school and it was chaos before the day even started. Erwin sent out an email that we all needed to print up the schedules for next week's parent-teacher meetings. Apparently, the meetings were moved up two weeks since mid-terms were coming up along with Christmas break. That opens up a whole new set of problems, but I'll deal with those when the time comes.

Oh, boy do I really need that break. These last 3 months have been especially stressful, and now with everything happening it's hard to focus. I finished printing up the schedules and copying them before heading back to my class where... oh no. Hanji was sitting at my desk glaring at me.

"What," I rolled my eyes as I walked up and set the copies on my desk.

"I knew it." She groaned.

"You knew what?"

"Let me guess you didn't bring a lunch either." She rolled her eyes.

"Hanji what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you get stressed and you stop taking care of yourself. There are clear bags under your eyes, your shirt's not neatly tucked in like you normally wear it, your hair looks half brushed, you probably skipped breakfast, and you also don't have a lunch." She raised an eyebrow, "that's what I'm talking about."

Damn, she knows me too well. "So what."

"So, you want Erwin to notice something's wrong too?" She asked and I froze. Damn, she had a point.

She stood up from my chair and pointed at it, "sit," she said harshly.

I didn't even bother to argue. I sat down and let her do whatever she was planning on doing. She pulled off the backpack she usually brought to school and set it on my desk. She pulled out a hairbrush and I couldn't help roll my eyes. She really did know this was going to happen. I don't give Hanji enough credit she really knows me and all of my self-destructive behaviorisms.

She quickly brushed through my hair before turning the chair around to face her. "Now you're going to hate this, but it's better than having Erwin find out." She shrugged before pulling out some concealer.

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