Called Out

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We spent the day lounging around and taking it easy. Jean had called Ymir and told her what happened. I know because she called me after and checked to see how I was. She asked if I needed any time off. I said no and she told me to let her know if I changed my mind or if I needed anything at all. She also reminded me that I took tomorrow off. I paused for a minute before thinking. My eyes widened and I thanked her for the reminder cause I had completely forgotten.

I got off the phone and looked at Levi. "Tomorrow's Monday."



"Oh," it seemed to click as his eyes widened too, "The meetings are tomorrow."

"Yeah, what are we going to do?" I could hear the panic in my voice.

"Eren, breath. We stick to the plan. If we get caught then we come clean. Simple as that." he was a lot calmer about this than I was.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "you're right."

We sat back and relaxed. After waking up this morning I had felt my muscles tighten up more and more. I was even sorer than I was yesterday. My back felt tense and it hurt to move it in any way. My arms were sore all the way from my elbows to my fingertips. My neck hurt if I turned it even slightly. Pain shot through my body every time I moved a simple muscle.

Levi was determined to do everything for me despite me trying to insist I was fine. I think after wincing every time I moved kinda gave away that I wasn't okay.

He set the pillows up and made sure I was comfortable and every once in a while he would ask if I was hungry or thirsty. Mikasa had come out of her room and asked if we would mind watching a movie. I looked at what she wanted to watch, it was a comedy. I said sure and she put it on. I liked how comfortable she had gotten with Levi.

At first, she was awkward around him and would still call him Mr. Ackerman when addressing him. Now she calls him Levi and they even joke around sometimes when they are in the same room. She sat on the other couch since I was laying across this one at a weird angle since it was the only one I could find that didn't hurt. Levi was sitting with my legs in his lap.

The comedy started and instantly we were in tears from laughing so hard. Me more than the others since laughing hurt too much, but it was a good pain. I was actually smiling for the first time today. It felt better to laugh rather than feel miserable even if it hurt to do so.

Levi ended up leaving around dinner time to pick us up some food. I insisted I could just make something and he refused saying that he had a place where he could pick up really good food and it was cheap. I gave in especially since he seemed really excited to have us eat there. Mikasa just shrugged and went along with it.

He left and came back with food and a bag from a store with snacks and ice cream. "I decided to make a pit stop," he said with a smile. He walked over to Mikasa and handed her her favorite snack.

"How did you?" she started to ask staring at the box of candy.

"Oh come on, do you know how many times I've seen you sneaking them in my class and eating them."

Mikasa's face went red, "you knew?"

"Of course I knew. Everyone thinks they are so sneaky about it, but I can hear them moving around in the box when you try and hide them. I can see as you guys lift your arms up to your mouth really slowly and quickly popping one in your mouth." He laughed, "I just didn't both call you guys out cause it was way too entertaining to watch and see all the creative ways students try and eat food. Besides, the no eating rule isn't my idea, it's Principal Smith's."

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