Wrong Number

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Mikasa and I spent the night playing board games while putting on some comedies as background noise. It made for a good distraction and helped clear my head from the previous events of the evening.

A little while later we turned in but not before I convinced her to go to a friends house tomorrow. Well, it was less convincing and more asking if she was planning on hanging out with a friend. Apparently, she already had plans so it was easy.

I text Levi before bed telling him we were on for tomorrow if he was still able to. I also told him that I wanted to talk to him about something that happened. I had to convince the conversation wouldn't be anything horrible since he was worrying he did something wrong. I didn't want to panic him and honestly, I'm too emotionally drained to talk about it tonight.

I put my phone on the charge and silenced the ringer. If Jackass did text me again then I don't want to know. Not tonight I'll deal with everything tomorrow. I laid down and went right to sleep I must have been more exhausted than I thought.

When I opened my eyes in the morning I woke up to see Mikasa sleeping next to me. She must have snuck in during the night. She would always do this back when I lived with dad. If she or I would have a rough day she would come in my room and sleep in there and honestly it always made me feel better. I guess she thought what happened last night would affect me more than it did. Honestly, I thought it would too but I guess not.

I checked my phone and saw two messages one from Levi and one from Jackass. I only checked Levi's since I didn't really care what Jackass had to say.

Levi's message said that" morning babe I'm ready to come over whenever you're ready. I can't wait to see you."

I texted back telling him I'd call him when I get back from taking Mikasa to her friend's house before I got up and made breakfast for us. I finished cooking before waking her. We ate and I took her over to her Armin's house and called Levi. I'm hoping she didn't notice how I was slightly rushing her but I don't think she really cared too much if she did.

It didn't take long for Levi to make his way over. I buzzed him into the building and when he came to my door I suddenly felt nervous about everything. Was my house clean enough? What if he thinks I'm messy? What if-."

"I love your place," his voice cut through my worried thoughts. His voice was genuine. His eyes scanned the room and a smile crept over his face.

"Sorry about the mess my sister is moving in with me," I said trying to explain why there were a few boxes laying around.

"Oh, I knew she was staying with you but you never told me she was moving in?" He said a little confused.

"Long story," I sighed " but then again I've got an even longer one that I wanted to bring up," I sighed and I saw him nod.

"You said you wanted to talk about something?" He said remembering.

I just nodded and pulled my phone out and pointed to the context labeled Jackass. "That ex that I was talking about well, that's him." I pointed at the texts before handing it to him. Levi read through them and I read the new text over his shoulder.

It had read, "What the hell Eren. Your neighbors said you moved and the house is getting sold? What the fuck is wrong with you. I give you time to realize how ridiculous you're being and this is how you act. By moving out without telling me. You're not even responding back to me. You really haven't come to your senses. You need to get it through your thick skull I'm the only one who's ever going to love you. You don't know how generous I'm being trying to take you back after the shit you pulled. For once in your life don't be an idiot Eren."

I heard Levi let out a frustrated sigh. Before clicking my phone off. He turned to me pulled me close and pulled me into a passionate kiss. When he pulled away he just pressed our foreheads together before whispering, "Never believe a word that dick says. You are an amazing and brilliant person. You are the one too good for him. Just know I love you and I will never take your love for granted."

"I love you so much," I said wrapping my arms around Levi. I felt tears come to my eyes. I've never had anyone tell me that.

"All that being said I'd be happy to kick this guy's ass if you want."

"No, actually I was just wondering if you could answer the phone? I know when I text him saying it was the wrong number he's going to call. I just need you to tell him that this isn't my phone number anymore."

"I can do that." He nodded as I sent the text. I handed him the phone and sure enough, it started to ring. He put it on speaker and sure enough his voice came through the phone.

"Eren why do you keep playing these games I know it's you." He sounded aggravated. This was the tone I had always dreaded when we were together it always meant a fight that ended with me feeling worthless.

"Look I told you, you have the wrong number. But I'm gonna say one thing I don't know who this Eren person is but I'm glad you don't have his number anymore you sound like such an asshole. And you know what? Did you ever think there is a reason he changed his number? It was probably to get away from you I know I would. Now please leave me the hell alone." Levi said before hanging up the phone.

"Sorry I couldn't help but get a little angry," he said and it was my turn to pull him into a kiss. He stood up for me where I couldn't and I am so glad this is the man that I ended up with after that horrible situation.

We lounged around the house for a few hours doing nothing but talking. I guess he could tell I was still a little distracted about earlier. He kept whispering in my ear about how much he loved me and how lucky he was to have me. It was the first time someone's told me that. Today was the first time I actually felt like I mattered.

It was this moment I could actually picture a future with Levi. I was never able to see a future with anyone I've ever dated until now. I can actually see myself ending up with Levi. I can see still happily together years from now. I never thought I'd be the marrying type, but if Levi wanted to get married in the future then I can actually see myself saying yes. That was never a thought I would ever see myself thinking but I just did. Wow, Eren slow your roll there. That isn't going to happen. Well, at least not for a long while.

I shook my head and focused back to Levi who was just smiling at me with an eyebrow raised as his hand lightly caressed my cheek. "You checked out for a minute there," he laughed. "What were you thinking about?"

"How I'm so lucky to be with you." Nice save very smooth. See I can be romantic.

"Well, then we're thinking the same thing about each other. Maybe we're connected, or at least we could be in a few minutes," he said giving me a wink.

Damn not as smooth as that. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. There was no way I could ever be as smooth as Levi. "Um, uh, my room?" I said with a big smile. I can't be super smooth but I can take him up on his offer.

"Let's go," he said with a smile before letting me lead him into the bedroom.

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