Crush (klaine)

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Hey, guys, I hope you enjoy this one.
Warning: mild swearing
Earlier that day

"Kurt, we're friends, aren't we? Elliot asks
" yeah why?" Kurt replies
" Um...well I might have more than friend feelings for you" Elliott admits after a minute but before Kurt can say anything Elliot grabs his face and kisses him. Kurt instantly pushes him away and shouts
"I have a fiancé and I love him more than anything in this world" before storming out of Elliot's apartment.

(Present time)
Kurt is pulled out of his thoughts by the door opening and closing.

"Kurt you home yet," Blaine asks as he walks through the curtain. When he sees Kurt he kisses his cheek and pulls a funny face when Kurt jumps.

" Kurt, you okay?" Blaine asks taking Kurt's hand.

" no, not really...Elliot kissed me today. But I promise I pulled away" Kurt says in a hurry. Blaine nods and tells Kurt he trusts him before pulling away and saying he will be back in a minute he's just going to talk to Elliot and since Kurt is so upset he lets Blaine do it. Blaine walks to Elliot's apartment and knocks loudly and about thirty seconds later he answers.

" who do you think you are.?"Blaine asks
"Kurt is my fiancé, not yours. He is my soulmate and you will not take him from me. I may not be some glitter rock vampire but I love Kurt and amazingly he loves me too even after everything I've done so back off" Blaine yells.

" you don't deserve Kurt. Your and cheater, ugly, fat and I would be better for him. I can be with him faithfully, I can show him more love than you ever will" Elliott states. Suddenly Elliot's door slams shut and the two men look to see Kurt stood there tapping his foot on the floor

" ELLIOT SHUT UP, Blaine is perfect...he is everything I have ever wanted. Since I was a child I was hoping to find someone who would put up with my stubbornness and I am so lucky to have found someone like Blaine. He's is more of a man you will ever be. And one more thing if you ever call him ugly and fat again I will use my kicker abilities to make sure you will never be able to use that dick of yours again. DO...YOU...UNDERSTAND ...ME" Kurt shouts fuming. Elliot quickly nods before the two love birds exit his apartment.

Once they are outside Blaine pushes Kurt against a wall and crushes their lips together.

" thanks for knowing me I love you," Blaine says pulling away and hugging Kurt.

"I love you too now take me home and fuck me into out bed"Kurt answers before grabbing Blaine's hand and dragging him to their apartment.


I hope you liked this one. I wanted to try something different.

Remember to to to send me any ideas you may have
Love Y'all
Meg xoxo

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