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As blaine is walking down the halls of McKinley high he suddenly gets pulled into one of the many janitor closets throughout the school by his boyfriend of nearly 6 months kurt hummel kicker of the titans.

" hey babe what's up" blaine asks whispering.

" are you busy Friday?" Kurt asks
" coming to see your big game and after taking you out for our six months anniversary" blaine answers, but as soon as he sees the fear in kurt eyes he adds " out of town of course" at that kurt calms down you see kurt isn't out yet because he's afraid of being off the team the only people who know are blaine, burt , finn and the glee club who were all very accepting.

" we have to go or we'll be late for french, you go and i'll be out in a min" blaine nods and starts to leave but not before kisses kurt quickly.

(Time skip to end of day)

Blaine says he won't be in glee today due to having to help his mum move out of his homophobic fathers house in westerville and into their new one in lima.

As kurt enters the choir room he yells " guys i need your help, so as you know on Friday it's blaine and i's six months anniversary and i want it to be special so i'm gonna come out after the game." The others smile and nod.

" i have a song you could sing to him, i wrote it a few days ago" finn says handing the lyrics over to kurt, kurt reads it quickly and thanks his brother.

Rachel and Britney think of choreography and everyone practices for a while before mr schue dismisses everyone.

(Time skip to friday)
As kurt walks down the hall to Blaine's locker he holds a bouquet of flowers and a note, when no one is looking he slips the note saying meet me in the choir room-k in his locker when he sees blaine coming he rushes to the choir room.

About two minutes later blaine enters and holds the note up to his boyfriend. Kurt walks over to blaine and hands him a box of chocolates with a smaller box with a new bow tie in it, blaine opens the smaller box and jumps into kurt's arms before handing kurt a small box as well. When kurt opens the box it's a ring made out of his favourite candy wrappers. Kurt kisses Blaine's cheek and says happy anniversary before the bell rings and they go their separate ways.

For the rest of the day kurt wears the ring blaine bought him and when the match starts kurt kisses it quickly for good luck and starts playing.

When McKinley win the match kurt turns to rachel and gives them the previously agreed upon signal and the music starts, rachel stands up from her space next to blaine and  starts singing

Face to face and heart to heart
We're so close yet so far apart
I close my eyes I look away
That's just because I'm not okay
But I hold on, I stay strong
Wondering if we still belong

At the second verse kurt takes over and walks over to blaine taking blaine's hand in his and kissing it gently then continues to sing

Will we ever say the words we're feeling
Reach down underneath and tear down all the walls
Will we ever have our happy ending?
Or will we forever only be pretending?
Will we always, always, always be pretending

How long do I fantasize
Make believe that it's still alive
Imagine that I am good enough
And we can choose the ones we love
But I hold on, I stay strong
Wondering if we still belong,

Will we ever say the words we're feeling
Reach down underneath and tear down all the walls
Will we ever have our happy ending?
Or will we forever only be pretending?
Will we always, always, always be

Keeping secrets safe
Every move we make
Seems like no ones letting go
And it's such a shame
Cause if you feel the same
How am I supposed to know?

Will we ever say the words we're feeling
Reach down underneath and tear down all the walls
Will we ever have our happy ending?
Or will we forever only be pretending?
Will we always, always, always be
Will we always, always, always be
WIll we always, always, always be pretending

As the final strains of the song play out kurt pulls blaine to his chest before kissing him passionately in front of everyone.

" i love you" kurt whispers when they pull away and everyone surprisingly starts clapping and cheering.

" i love you too kurt, so much and thank you for doing this for me" blaine whispers. Kurt smiles at him before kissing him again

Klaine/CrissColfer one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now