First date (klaine)

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" kurt blaine is here" burt yells from the bottom of the stairs. Kurt quickly checks himself once more in the mirror before briskly walking out of his room and up
The stairs.

" wow kurt you look amazing" blaine says as kurt saunters toward him. He kisses Blaine's cheek and grabs his hand before pulling him out of the door.

" blaine where to" kurt asks opening the door to his truck.

" nope i'm driving" blaine says walking towards his car, kurt nods and speeds up so he can keep pace with blaine. Blaine walks around the corner or kurt's street and opens his car door for him. Kurt smiles again before climbing into the car and doing his seat belt up. Blaine closes his door then walks over to the drivers side.

After a few minuets of driving blaine stops the car at a dirt road.

" we're here" blaine says unbuckling himself and walking ti the passengers side to open it for kurt, kurt looks around and sees nothing.

" blaine where are we" kurt asks as blaine gets out a picnic basket and blanket from the boot. He takes Kurt's hand again and drags him down the dirt road.

Suddenly blaine stops walking and opens a small gate that leads to an open field. Kurt gasps as he sees fairy light strung between the trees.

Blaine walks to the middle of the field and lays down a blanket. The two boys sit down and start to unpack the basket.

" this is amazing blaine" kurt says waving his hand in the direction of the lights then to the picnic.

" only the best for my boyfriend" blaine says cheerfully. The boys eat in silence then lay down on the blanket. Blaine points to the sky and says. " this star is called klaine" kurt laughs before blaine pulls out a certificate stating the star is in fact now called klaine. Kurt looks over to his boyfriend and leans in to kiss him, after a few seconds kurt pulls away shivering, they both burst into laughter before blaine pulls out another blanket at wraps it around them, Kurt moves closer to blaine and snuggles into his chest.

" blaine this is the best date ever" kurt whispers looking into Blaine's golden eyes.

" like i said only the best for my boyfriend" blaine replies leaning into kiss kurt again, just like every time they have kissed as soon as their lips meet their are fireworks.

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