Blaine vs burt

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A klaine scene i decided to do based on a Sonny Kiriakis and Lucas Horton scene from The Days Of Our Lives
Blaine vs burt

Burt closes Blaine's apartment door and then turns to Blaine who is standing by his bed.           
"that's what took you so long to answer the door because you guys were busy..busy with these costumes". Blaine walks around the room once before stopping in front of the door an sighing heavily. "well if you really want to know what was going on Mr hummel, just ask"Blaine says after a moment. Burt looks at Blaine sternly and blaine looks back annoyed. sonny walks over to the be again and throws one of the costumes he picked up off the floor on to it. " yeah sure i'll tell you everything that happened before you started pounding on my door but you need to take a minute and ask yourself do you really want to hear it?" Blaine asks getting more and more annoyed at Kurt's dad. "don't do that don't psychoanalyse me like that" Burt says angrily. " well don't show up at my door unannounced" Blaine replied " i was looking for my son, i had something important to tell him"
"well was it important to make him feel like he's two years old, that he did something wrong by not being at your beck and call or god forbid him being in my apartment." Blaine asks defending his boyfriend. "you've known Kurt what a minute and half at the most and all of a sudden " were what...what were we?" Blaine interrupts Burt getting more and more angry.               
" i don't know, i thought you were taking it slow what ever happened to that... and already there you are beds all messed up.." "here i am...what what?" Blaine interrupts again.   
" he's having trouble, he's struggling to accept who he is" Burt says. Blaine looks away from Burt then looks at him again." well i can't imagine why" Blaine says." don't do that, you know what this isn't about me, this isn't my fault, i told you, i told you guys from the very beginning i was okay with it, i have no problem with you guys going out" Burt says "anymore" Blaine cuts in. "he's not ready for this Blaine" Burt says. " you know what i think..i think you're not ready for this, okay, you're alright with him being gay as long as he doesn't do anything about it." Blaine says looking at Burt.
" what does that mean... i want my son to be happy that's all."
" you think we're going to fast" Blaine asks." yeah i do" Burt answers honestly.
" I've known Kurt for what a little over a year, okay have you ever moved faster than that Mr hummel". Burt crosses his arms over his chest and looks at Blaine."let me ask you a question, what if i was a girl would you still be concerned that i was taking advantage of your son or would you pat him on the back and say attar boy" blaine asks already knowing burts answer.    " this isn't about if kurt was with a guy or girl it has nothing to do with it" burt says but blaine knows he is lying." it doesn't" Blaine replies not believing it. " no it doesn't, when my son was little he used to sit on the side of the pool, used to put his big toe in that's it, it used to take him an hour until he put his whole foot in the water, he doesn't do anything he doesn't jump into anything head first and you've known him what a year, about 6 months ago he was going to move in with gabi Hernandez." Burt rants. " because he was pretending to be someone he wasn't" Blaine says quietly. "that's right he was confused"
" well he's not confused anymore" Blaine states." i like you Blaine i do but..."Burt says. " but what, we are moving too fast. you think i'm a bad influence on him"Blaine says finishing burts sentence." well you said it not me"burt says." and you said you want to make him happy" Blaine argues.
"i do want to make him happy, of course i do" Burt says defensively
"don't do that you don't know my son better than i do, my son and i have a great relationship now and i'm never gonna let you or anyone else get in the between that" Burt says "i won't, but look i'm gonna get these boxes later, thank you for offering to help but i have somewhere else i need to be so if you wouldn't mind." Blaine says walking to the door and opening it. " alright remember what i said, i meant it" Burt said threateningly. " i meant what i said too and trust me no-one is gonna come between you and Kurt except you" Blaine says before closing the door and combing his hands through his hair and sighing deeply.

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