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This one is dedicated to Tinkerbella01 because they asked me to do one with cooper so i hope this one is ok

"So coop you ready to meet kurt" blaine asks as the boys walk to lunch, cooper is only a year older than blaine but has already become famous so the school asked if he could come in and teach some classes on acting. About two months ago he came out as bi and that made him even more famous

" yeah i am squirt but i need to nip to the loo first" he says as blaine nods, blaine says he will meet him in the canteen. As cooper walks to the mens room he bumps into a brown haired boy.

" hey you're cooper aren't you?"kurt asks.

" yeah what's your name sexy" cooper asks clearly hitting on him.

" um"kurt starts but gets cut off by cooper

" actually i already know your name and it starts with sexy and ends with hot" cooper says. Kurt starts to look uncomfortable.

" um i have a boyfriend" kurt says
" well he doesn't have anything on me" cooper smirks, kurt scoffs and walks away.

After cooper has done his business he walks into the canteen and finds blaine. He sits down

" hey bro i just met this really hot guy,
I didn't get his name though" cooper says blaine laughs and looks towards the door with doe eyes.

" here comes kurt try not to embarrass me" blaine asks as the boy cooper was hitting on comes towards them.blaine gets up and kisses kurt before wrapping his arm around kurt's waist.

"You're kurt?"cooper exclaims. Kurt nods and looks at blaine.

"You're Blaine's brother, why did you hit on me if you're Blaine's brother" kurt asks confused

" wait what you hit on my boyfriend" blaine shouts cooper nods.
" i didn't know he was kurt..he didn't tell me his name and that he wad your boyfriend" cooper tries to defend himself

"Yeah because you cut me off and when i told you i had a boyfriend you just said well he doesn't have anything on me, to be honest i think blaine is way better than you" kurt says shocked.

Blaine scoffs and rolls his eyes.

" kurt i think we should go i'll buy you a coffee" blaine says dragging kurt away and looking back only once to give cooper a glare.

Well that was interesting, shit how am i gonna make it up to squirt-cooper thinks

Klaine/CrissColfer one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now