Change part 1 (klaine)

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This will be my first double parter
" hey fairy why don't you stop being such a fag and dress like a normal person" Karofsky says as he pushes kurt into a locker.

" oh look it's the drag princess" Azimio joins in. Kurt looked down at his clothes and nods maybe they are right. Maybe i should dress like a boy should.kurt thinks before heading to glee.

" ok this weeks lesson is about being yourself" mr schue says as he enters. Kurt feels tears rise and asks to be excused. He heads straight to the bleachers before starting to sob his eyes out.

" hey babe, what's wrong" blaine says as he sits down next to kurt pulling him into a hug.

"Nothing just want to be alone"kurt says walking away and driving home.

For the next few days blaine gets increasingly worried because kurt doesn't come to school. That is until 3 days later.

At the end of the day kurt enters the choir room wearing a back stripy t-shirt and hoodie and glasses as well as normal jeans.everyone gasps as he walks in.

" kurt what are you wearing this is nothing like you, since when do you wear glasses." Mercedes shrieks. Kurt just shrugs and sits in the back of the room.

When blaine walks in he notices his boyfriend and just goes wide eyed.

" babe where have you been and what are you wearing" once again kurt just shrugs. Everyone keeps asking kurt questions even mr schue but kurt never answers he just shrugs. The truth is kurt was sick of Karofsky and Azimo judging him so he changed his wardrobe and decided not to talk anymore so no one can hear his 'girly' voice as they described it.

Once mr schue dismissed everyone kurt walks to the mens room and slides against the wall and just sobs and sobs.

After a few minuets blaine hears a familiar crying and enters the mens room to see kurt sat down against the wall crying.

" babe please tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you like this" blaine pleads Kurt as he sits down next to him.

"I don't like the way i feel about myself anymore blaine, i hate how i look and i'm sick of always being judged so this is the new me, i changed my look and decided to drop the contacts," kurt says wiping his tears away.

" kurt you're perfect, everything is perfect about you, don't listen to anyone else, listen to me you're boyfriend, i love you for who you are you don't have to change" blaine says hugging kurt tightly. Kurt takes a deep breath before moving out of blaine's arm and getting ready to leave the mens room.

" sorry blaine but this is the new me, and as from tomorrow in will no longer be part of the glee club I'm quitting and joining the basketball team, i tried out today and got in, i'm sorry blaine,i love you but maybe you deserve someone better than me..goodbye blaine" kurt turns around and whispers before opening the door

" kurt please i love you, don't leave me or your friends, we need you,i need you" blaine begs as tears slip down his face

" no-one needs me, you deserve better then a 'fag' like me, i'll make an announcement tomorrow in glee tomorrow, i love you blaine but this is how it's got to be" kurt whispers

"Kurt pleas..." blaine tries again, kurt just turns and walks out leaving blaine to himself in the mens room

Klaine/CrissColfer one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now