I'm scared (klaine:Mpreg)

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If you don't like male pregnancies I suggest you don't read this chapter.
Text messages- italics
As the light shines through Kurt's bedroom window he wakes up and bolts towards the bathroom where he proceeds to be sick. After about twenty minutes he decides to text Blaine to tell him he won't be in. The thing is he has been throwing up a lot lately but decided to go to school because it was his senior year and he needed good attendance. It wasn't until today that he felt too week to even move.

Kurt- hey babe, not going to school today, been sick all night

Blaine- ok I'll come over and keep you company

Kurt- no Blaine I'm fine. You can not miss a day of school for me

Blaine- yes I can I haven't had a single day of this year.

Kurt- people will get suspicious

Blaine- let them I do not care. See you in five minutes

Like he said Blaine arrived about five minutes later.

" Kurt where are you" Blaine yells from the halls
"In here," Kurt says weakly. He was sitting on the floor because once he had been sick it hurt when he tried to stand up.

" Oh, baby are you ok?. Stupid me, of course, you're not ok" Blaine says as he sits next to Kurt and pulls him into a hug.

"I haven't been sick in a while," he tells Blaine
" then why are you still on the floor? And where is Burt?" Blaine asks worriedly

" because it hurts to stand and I told him to go to work?" Now Blaine looks even more worried.
"Blaine I think I need a doctor because I have been being sick for the last week but decided to go to school anyway. I have also been feeling really tired all the time" Kurt says and Blaine nods and grabs his phone. He makes an appointment for someone to come to the house since Kurt is too weak to walk anywhere. After the call ends Blaine picks Kurt up and carries him to his room.

After about an hour the doctor arrives to check Kurt out. Blaine leaves the doctor and Kurt while he goes to ring but and make some lunch for Kurt and himself

" ok Mr hummel when did you start feeling like this" the doctor asks

" about a week ago and call me Kurt, Mr Hummel is my dad" the doctor nods and jots it down what Kurt had said.

" Kurt do you mind if I feel your stomach" Kurt shakes his head and raises his pj's shirt. The doctor checks his stomach while Kurt lays very still.

"Um..kurt I know this might be embarrassing but have you had sexual relations this past month?" The doctor asks and Kurt nods.

" well okay...Kurt I have news take it as good or bad but congratulations you're pregnant" the doctor tells Kurt. Kurt lets out a sigh then starts freaking out. What is he going to tell Blaine? Is he gonna be mad, will he leave him. Oh no, he can't do this he is only a senior. Kurt starts hyperventilating

" Kurt breath. It's ok its only been three weeks you will be fine" the doctor says trying to calm him down. It doesn't work for about five minutes. Then when he starts to calm down the doctor taps his arm and states he has another appointment. He looks at Kurt before he leaves smiling at Kurt and telling him he will contact him later about further appointments. After the doctor is gone Blaine enters the room with permission from Kurt.

" so what's wrong with you?" Blaine asks
" I'm pregnant" Kurt states
" what...are you joking," Blaine says. Kurt looks at him than his feet and shakes his head. Suddenly he is pulled into a tight hug by his boyfriend.

" we're having a baby?." Blaine exclaims happily. Kurt releases a sigh of relief before nodding again.

" oh my god, we're gonna be fathers. How far are you?" Blaine asks excitedly
" three weeks. It's ok Blaine if you don't want me anymore I understand. It's a big responsibility and your only a junior and me a senior..i think I'm gonna keep it because I already love it and if you don't want it I under..." Kurt is cut off by Blaine's lips. Then as quick as the kiss starts he pulls away.

" Kurt I want you and this baby... I love you so much. I can't believe we're gonna have a baby. This is the best news ever" Blaine says taking Kurt's hand and kissing it.

"You're not breaking up with me," Kurt asks and Blaine shakes his head.

"But now we need to do something that is maybe dangerous," Blaine says standing up. When he hears the front door open.
" we have to tell Burt," Blaine says as Kurt laughs.

" it's highly dangerous," Kurt says as Blaine helps him up and puts his arm around Blaine's neck and Blaine puts his arm around Kurt's waist. They slowly walk downstairs to see Burt sat in the living room watching a football match.

" dad we have some news," Kurt says with fear lacing his voice.

" what is it kiddo" burt answers.

" well Blaine probably told you that I was seen by the doctors today and it turns out I'm pregnant," Kurt says looking at Blaine quickly before looking at his dad.

" really..wow..um I  can't believe I'm gonna be a grandfather," Burt says hugging the two boys.
" You're not mad?" Kurt asks.
"Well I could be but, to be honest, I can see you too love each other very much soi don't have to worry..how about you too go upstairs and I will bring dinner up a bit later," Burt says as the boy's nod and walk back up to Kurt's room.

Once they reach the room. They lie down and Kurt starts to cry. Because now that he is has had some time to get his head around the idea he is terrified that he will be a bad father.
" Blaine I'm scared"

" you don't need to be I'll be there every step of the way," Blaine says pulling Kurt into a hug. Kurt yawns so Blaine puts Kurt on his side and starts to spoon him.

" go to sleep my handsome boy..it's been an emotional day. I will still be here when you wake up. I love you, Kurt." Blaine says rubbing Kurt's stomach as Kurt starts to fall into a deep sleep.

"I love you to Blaine and I'm so glad we are having this baby together," Kurt says as sleep finally takes over his body.

So thoughts?
I'm sorry if any of you don't like mpreg stories it's just a one-shot that I wanted to try because I think that they would be amazing fathers.

Remember if you have any prompts please pm me

Love Y'all
Meg xoxo

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