10 years later (klaine)

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In this finn is still alive. Blaine was never part of the nd's, the people at the reuion are all the nd's season 1 only& sam because i wanted him here.


"Blaine you ready to go" kurt yells bending down to pick up their son dalton and placing him gently into the car seat. Blaine walks out if the house before locking the door and walking towards the truck.

" dada, papa where are we going" their 3 year old son asks after being strapped in.

" we're going to meet some papa's old school friends" blaine answers after walking to the passengers side if the truck. Kurt nods and sits in the drivers seat. The drive to McKinley is only five minutes from burt and carol's house which klaine are staying at while in lima.

Once they arrive the two men get dalton out of his seat and dalton holds a hand out to both men taking their hands and walking towards the building.

Once outside the choir room they knock before entering.

" GUESS WHO'S BACK AT MCKINLEY" kurt shouts letting go of his sons hand and running over to his old friends as they pull him into s group hug. Blaine suddenly lets out a loud laugh making all the others notice him.

" dolphin who is this" brittney asks looking at blaine still holding his sons hand.
" brit-everyone this is my husband blaine anderhummel and my son dalton" kurt answers.

" wait lady hummel actually found a man" santana questions and blaine looks at her confused.

" don't mind her thats just how she talks isn't that right satan" kurt warns and santana nods before the group walk over to blaine and dalton and introduce themselves. Blaine lifts dalton into his arms wrapping one arm around him

" how old are you little guy" mike asks
" thwee" dalton answers cutely.
" awww" everyone sighs.
" kurt he is like a mini you. Ocean blue eyes, brown hair and that adorable high voice." Tina says.
"Kurt when did you meet blaine" sam asks
" NYADA i was a senior he was a junior we had dance together" kurt answers looking at his husband and asking him to come over.
Everyone shakes hands with blaine.
" i can see kurt is happy with you so..i'm happy for you boo" Mercedes cuts in.
Blaine pulls kurt into a sideways hug while holding dalton in his other arm.

" hummel have you heard from lately Matt Rutherford because since we haven't heard from or seen him in years" puck asks. Kurt shakes his head.

" hey guys has kurt arrived yet" rachels voice screams filling the choir room.
As she walks in she sees him and instantly runs over to him.

" OH MY GOD KURT. I haven't seen you in ages and i have missed you so much," she says into his shoulder.

" yeah missed you too rach but I certainly haven't missed you fashion sense we need to go shopping asap" kurt says as everyone else laughs. Even blaine

After everyone has caught up they ask if they can sing a song and mr shue starts playing don't stop believing. Dalton, mr shue and blaine go sit down while the others start singing.

(Imagine them doing the moves just in different cloths and in the choir room)

Once the finished singing mr shue went up to them and they all burst into laughter.

" papa that was awsome" dalton exclaims running up to kurt. Kurt kisses him on the head and walking over to blaine who is smiling like an idiot.

" hey kurt the first time we sang that song. It was before you came out. I still remember you trying to act straight" finn says laughing.

"I didn't even mind if you never had feeling for me when we dated because you were such a good kisser" britt says.

" wait you dated a girl and you kissed her" blaine asks.

" yeah, um it was sophomore year, and i hadn't come out to dad yet and i started to get jealous of how much time he was spending with finn so i tried to act straight so he would spend time with me again." Kurt answer laughing at the memory. Blaine nods before turning to the group and starting up a new conversation asking about what kurt was like during high school.

The group talk for a few more hours bringing up old memories, laughing and singing before kurt have to leave since they have an early flight in the morning. They say goodbye to everyone. Kurt hugs everyone and they leave.

" you're friends are interesting" blaine says as they reach the truck again. Dalton had fallen asleep a few hours ago so he was sleeping with his head on blaines shoulder.

" yeah they're the only thing that got me through high school, more than a few times i felt like ending it all without them i probably wouldn't be here, and i am so thankful to them because look at me now, i have everything i've ever wanted." Kurt says smiling. Blaine kisses kurt quickly then straps dalton in, they drive to kurt's old house and start packing before getting ready for bed and finally falling asleep

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